





  1. MATLAB 没有提供一个函数来确定数组的每个元素是不是整数(即...,-2,-1,0,1,2,...)。写一个函数来实现这个功能,并满足下面的格式:

    function I = isinteger(A)
    %ISINTEGER Determines which elements of an array are integers.
    %        I = ISINTEGER(A) returns a logical array, I, of the same size
    %        as A, with 1s (TRUE) in the locations corresponding to integers
    %        (i.e., . . . -2 -1 0 1 2 . . . )in A, and 0s (FALSE) elsewhere.
    %        A must be a numeric array.
  2. MATLAB没有提供一个函数用来确定数组的每个元素是不是偶数(即...,-4,-2,0,2,4,...)。写一个函数来实现这个功能,并满足下面的格式:

    function E = iseven(A)
    %ISEVEN Determines which elements of an array are even numbers.
    %     E = ISEVEN(A) returns a logical array, E, of the same size as A,
    %     with 1s (TRUE) in the locations corresponding to even numbers
    %     (i.e., ... -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, ... )in A, and 0s (FALSE) elsewhere.
    %     A must be a numeric array.
  3. MATLAB没有提供一个函数用来确定数组的每个元素是不是奇数(即...,−3,−1,1,3,...)。写一个函数实现这个功能,并满足下面的格式:

    function D = isodd(A)
    %ISODD Determines which elements of an array are odd numbers.
    %      E = ISODD(A) returns a logical array, D, of the same size as A,
    %      with 1s (TRUE) in the locations corresponding to odd numbers
    %    (i.e., . . . -3, -1, 1, 3, . . . )in A, and 0s (FALSE) elsewhere.
    %    A must be a numeric array.
  4. 写一个函数满足下面的规定:

    function H = imcircle(R, M, N)
    %IMCIRCLE Generates a circle inside a rectangle.
    %    H = IMCIRCLE(R, M, N) generates a circle of radius R centered
    %    on a rectangle of height M and width N. H is a binary image with
    %    1s on the circle and 0s elsewhere. R must be an integer >= 1.
  5. 这个实验主要目的是学习如何显示和改变目录,并利用目录信息来读取图像。写一个函数满足下面的规定:

    function [I, map] = imagein(path)
    %IMAGEIN Read image in from current-working or specified directory.
    %     I = IMAGEIN displays a window containing all the files in the
    %     current directory, and saves in I the image selected from the
    %     current directory.
    %     [I, MAP] = IMAGEIN variable MAP is required to be an output
    %     argument when the image being read is an indexed image.
    %     [ . . .] = IMAGEIN('PATH') is used when the image to be read
    %     resides in a specified directory. For example, the input
    %     argument 'C:\MY_WORK\MY_IMAGES' opens a window showing
    %     the contents of directory MY_IMAGES. An image selected from
    %     that directory is read in as image I.

熟悉MATLAB环境实验 (2008-05-28 19:30:08由czk编辑)