⇤ ← 于2005-12-20 21:28:13修订的的版本1
大小: 1111
大小: 1294
删除的内容标记成这样。 | 加入的内容标记成这样。 |
行号 2: | 行号 2: |
/*Exercise 1-1. Run the "hello, world" program on your system. Experiment with leaving out parts of the program, to see what error messages you get.*/ | /* Author: czk Email: [email protected] Date: 20-12-05 21:30 Exercise 1-1. Run the "hello, world" program on your system. Experiment with leaving out parts of the program, to see what error messages you get.*/ |
行号 12: | 行号 16: |
/*Exercise 1-2. Experiment to find out what happens when prints's argument string contains \c, where c is some character not listed above.*/ | /* Author: czk Email: [email protected] Date: 20-12-05 21:30 Exercise 1-2. Experiment to find out what happens when prints's argument string contains \c, where c is some character not listed above.*/ |
行号 22: | 行号 30: |
/*Exercise 1-3. Modify the temperature conversion program to print a heading above the table.*/ | /* Author: czk Email: [email protected] Date: 20-12-05 21:30 Exercise 1-3. Modify the temperature conversion program to print a heading above the table.*/ |
1 /*
2 Author: czk
3 Email: [email protected]
4 Date: 20-12-05 21:30
5 Exercise 1-3. Modify the temperature conversion program to print a heading above the table.*/
6 #include <stdio.h>
8 /* print Fahrenheit-Celsius table
9 for fahr = 0, 20, ..., 300; floating-point version */
10 main()
11 {
12 float fahr, celsius;
13 int lower, upper, step;
15 lower = 0; /* lower limit of temperatuire scale */
16 upper = 300; /* upper limit */
17 step = 20; /* step size */
19 printf("fahr celsius\n");
21 fahr = lower;
22 while (fahr <= upper) {
23 celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32.0);
24 printf("%4.0f %7.1f\n", fahr, celsius);
25 fahr = fahr + step;
26 }
27 }