


  1. 使用递归的方法编写Fibonacci数列(1 1 2 3 5 8 ……)程序。输入n,输出数列中第n个数的值
  2. 用结构体、函数实现复数操作(复数的加减乘除),使如下的主程序可以正确运行

       1 int main() {
       2     struct complex a, b, sum, diff, product;
       3     scanf("%f%f%f%f", &a.real, &a.imag, &b.real, &b.imag);
       4     sum = add(a, b);
       5     diff = substract(a, b);
       6     product = multiply(a, b);
       7     printf("sum:%f %f\n", sum.real, sum.imag);
       8     printf("diff:%f %f\n", diff.real, diff.imag);
       9     printf("product:%f %f\n", product.real, product.imag);
      10     return 0;
      11 }
  3. 使用标准C++输入输出实现在屏幕上用以下格式输出乘法表,要求排列整齐(不考虑屏幕宽度不够时造成的折行)。输入:乘法表的行数(1<=n<=99)输出:如下乘法表,总共n行

    2    4
    3    6    9
    4    8   12   16
    5   10   15   20   25
    6   12   18   24   30   36
  4. Monty Hall游戏:该游戏来自电视节目Let's Make a Deal. 游戏中设有三扇门,其中一扇门后面是一辆汽车,另外两扇门后面各有一头山羊。玩家首先选择其中一扇门,然后节目主持人将另外两扇门中藏有山的那扇门打开,并给游戏参与者一个改选的机会。此时玩家可以维持原先的选择不变,也可以直接选择另一扇门,或者随机决定如何选择。最后玩家如果选中了那个藏有汽车的门,则获得胜利。请你写一个程序,计算游戏中玩家如何选择概率较高,不同的选择概率各是多少?
  5. 将前面实验中的复数程序用C++类重新实现
  6. 做一个存放整数的Stack栈类,包含如下成员函数:构造函数Stack(n):n指定栈中可以存放元素的最大个数;push(i):把元素i添加到栈尾部;pop():把尾部元素从栈中删除;top():取栈尾部的元素的值;size():取栈中间存放的元素个数;~Stack():析构函数(如果有必要的话);Stack(Stack & s ):拷贝构造函数(如果有必要)。使如下程序可以正常运行:

       1 int main() {
       2     Stack s1(5);
       3     s1.push(1);
       4     s1.push(2);
       5     s1.push(3);
       6     Stack s2(s1);
       7     while(s1.size() > 0) {
       8         cout << s1.top() << endl;
       9         s1.pop();
      10     }
      11     s1.push(4);
      12     s1.push(5);
      13     while(s2.size() > 0) {
      14         cout << s2.top() << endl;
      15         s2.pop();
      16     }
      17 }
  7. 改写前面的Stack类,使其可以统计Stack类对象的个数,GetStackNumber()函数返回对象的个数。

  8. 改写前面的Stack类,使Stack类在整个程序里面只能够存在一个对象。
  9. 用链表实现前面的stack类,实现相同的功能。
  10. 写Date类,实现如下功能:Date(year, month, day):构造函数,构造代表year年month月day日的Date对象;DaysFrom19900101():从1990年1月1日以来的天数,日期在1990年1月1日以后,返回正数,以前的返回负数;Add(days):计算出days天之后的新日期。days为负为之前;Delta(Date another):计算两天之间的日期差;Output():输出日期值,格式为“二〇〇五年十一月十三日”;WeekDay():返回这个日期是星期几,0表示星期天,1表示星期一,6表示星期六;静态成员函数today()返回今天的日期;所有的成员函数可以定义成const都定义成const。

  11. 实现Person, Student, GradStudent, Teacher类。类之间有正确的继承关系;每个类有对应的属性;每个类有构造函数,对属性初始化;每个类都没有默认构造函数;每个类都有一个print成员函数,输出属性的值。

       1 int main() {
       2     Person p( ... ); // 省略号处填上所需的初始化参数。
       3     Student s( ... );
       4     Teacher t( ... );
       5     GradStudent g(...);
       6     p.print();
       7     s.print();
       8     t.print();
       9     g.print(); 
      10 }
  12. 用虚函数实现前面实验中的print函数

       1 int main() {
       2     Person *p[4];
       3     p[0] = new Person(...); 
       4     p[1] = new Student(...);
       5     p[2] = new Teacher( ... );
       6     p[3] = new GradStudent(...);
       7     for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
       8         p[i]->print();
       9 }
  13. 实现计算各种图形面积的程序。包括:Shape类:抽象基类,定义GetArea()和GetPerimeter()纯虚函数。Rectangle类:Shape的派生类,高、宽;Circle类:Shape的派生类,半径;每个类定义的构造函数,对成员进行初始化;在基类中定义虚函数GetArea, GetPerimeter,在派生类中override;每个类一个文件。

       1 int main() {
       2     Shape *s[2];
       3     s[0] = new Rectangle(...);
       4     s[1] = new Circle(...);
       5     for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
       6         cout<<s[i]->GetArea()<< s[i]->GetPerimeter() <<endl;
       7 }
  14. 复数程序用运算符重载重新实现,使以下main函数可以运行

       1 int main() {
       2     complex c1, c2, c3(-1.5, 1.5);
       3     cin >> c1 >> c2;
       4     complex c4 = c1 * c2;
       5     c4 *= c3;
       6     complex c5 = c1 + c2;
       7     c5 += c3;
       8     complex c6 = c4 - c5;
       9     cout << c4 << c5 << c6;
      10     cout << "c1 and c2 are"  << ( c1 == c2 ? "equal" : "not equal") << endl;
      11 }
  15. 实现自己的string类,类的声明如下:

       1 class string{ 
       2     char *str; int size; 
       3 public: 
       4     string(); 
       5     string(const char *s); 
       6     string(const string &s); 
       7     string& operator=(const char *); 
       8     string& operator=(const string&); 
       9     ~string(); 
      10     char &operator[](int i); 
      11     char operator[](int i) const; 
      12     bool operator==(const string &) const; 
      13     string operator+(const string &) const; 
      14     int length() const; 
      15     operator char*(); 
      16     friend ostream&operator<<(ostream&, const string&); 
      17     friend istream&operator>>(istream&, string &); 
      18 };
  16. 使用多继承实现,使以下程序可以运行:

       1 int main() {
       2     Person *p[6];
       3     p[0] = new Person(...); 
       4     p[1] = new Student(...);
       5     p[2] = new Teacher( ... );
       6     Assistent *a = new Assistent(...);
       7     Student *s = a;
       8     Teacher *t = a;
       9     p[3] = s;
      10     p[4] = t;
      11     p[5] = a;
      12     s->print();
      13     t->print();
      14     for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
      15         p[i]->print();
      16 }


  1.    1 #include <stdio.h>
       2 int fibonacci(int n) 
       3 {
       4     if(n==1 || n==2)
       5         return 1;
       6     else
       7         return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2);
       8 }
       9 int main() {
      10     int n;
      11     scanf("%d", &n);
      12     printf("%d", fibonacci(n));
      13 }
  2.    1 #include <stdio.h>
       3 struct complex {
       4     double imag;
       5     double real;    
       6 };
       8 struct complex add(struct complex a, struct complex b)
       9 {
      10     struct complex c;
      11     c.imag = a.imag + b.imag;
      12     c.real = a.real + b.real;
      13     return c;
      14 }
      16 struct complex substract(struct complex a, struct complex b)
      17 {
      18     struct complex c;
      19     c.imag = a.imag - b.imag;
      20     c.real = a.real - b.real;
      21     return c;
      22 }
      24 struct complex multiply(struct complex a, struct complex b)
      25 {
      26     struct complex c;
      27     c.imag = a.imag * b.real + a.real * b.imag;
      28     c.real = a.real * b.real - a.imag * b.imag;
      29     return c;
      30 }
  3.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 #include <iomanip>
       3 using namespace std;
       5 int main() 
       6 {
       7     int n;
       8     cin >> n;
       9     for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
      10         for(int j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
      11             cout << setw(5) << i*j;
      12         }
      13         cout << endl;
      14     }
      15 }
  4.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 #include <stdlib.h>
       3 #include <time.h>
       5 using namespace std;
       6 int main() {
       7     int count;
       8     cin >> count;
       9     srand(time(NULL));
      10     int nochange = 0;
      11     int change = 0;
      12     int random = 0;
      13     for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      14         int car = rand() % 3;
      15         int choice = rand() % 3;
      16         if(car == choice)
      17             nochange ++;
      18         else
      19             change ++;
      20         if(rand()%2)
      21             random++;
      22     }
      23     cout << (double)nochange / count << endl;
      24     cout << (double)change / count << endl;
      25     cout << (double)random / count << endl;
      26 }
  5.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 using namespace std;
       4 class complex {
       5 public:
       6     complex(double r = 0.0, double i = 0.0) 
       7     : real(r), imag(i) {
       8     }
       9     complex add(complex a)
      10     {
      11         complex c;
      12         c.real = real + a.real;
      13         c.imag = imag + a.imag;
      14         return c;
      15     }    
      16     void substract(complex a) {
      17         imag -= a.imag;
      18         real -= a.real;
      19     }
      20     void multiply(complex a) {
      21         double r = real * a.real - imag * a.imag;
      22         double i = real * a.imag + imag * a.real;
      23         real = r; imag = i;
      24     }
      25     void print() const{
      26         cout << real << '\t' << imag;
      27     }
      28 private:
      29     double imag;
      30     double real;    
      32 };
      34 int main() {
      35     double real, imag;
      36     cin >> real >> imag;
      37     complex a(real, imag);
      38     cin >> real >> imag;
      39     complex b(real, imag);
      40     complex sum = a.add(b);
      41     complex diff = a;
      42     diff.substract(b);
      43     complex product = a;
      44     product.multiply(b);
      45     sum.print();
      46     diff.print();
      47     product.print();
      48     return 0;
      49 }
  6.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 #include <stdexcept>
       3 using namespace std;
       5 class stack {
       6 public:
       7     stack(int capacity) 
       8     : capacity_ (capacity), size_(0), 
       9     data_ (new int[capacity]) {
      10     }
      11     void push(int i) {
      12         if(size_ < capacity_)
      13             data_[size_++] = i;
      14     }
      15     void pop() {
      16         if(size_ > 0)
      17             size_ --;
      18     }
      19     int top() const {
      20         if(size_ > 0)
      21             return data_[size_-1];
      22         else
      23             throw std::out_of_range("");
      24     }
      25     int size() const {
      26         return size_;
      27     }
      28     ~stack() {
      29         delete[] data_;
      30     }
      31     stack(stack& s) 
      32     : size_(s.size_), capacity_(s.capacity_), 
      33     data_(new int[s.capacity_]) {
      34         for(int i =0; i < size_; i++)
      35             data_[i] = s.data_[i];
      36     }
      37 private:
      38     int *data_;
      39     int size_;
      40     int capacity_;
      41 };
  7.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 #include <stdexcept>
       3 using namespace std;
       5 class stack {
       6 public:
       7     stack(int capacity) 
       8     : capacity_ (capacity), size_(0), data_(new int[capacity]) {
       9         stack_count_++;
      10     }
      11     void push(int i) {
      12         if(size_ < capacity_)
      13             data_[size_++] = i;
      14     }
      15     void pop() {
      16         if(size_ > 0)
      17             size_ --;
      18     }
      19     int top() const {
      20         if(size_ > 0)
      21             return data_[size_-1];
      22         else
      23             throw std::out_of_range("");
      24     }
      25     int size() const {
      26         return size_;
      27     }
      28     ~stack() {
      29         stack_count_--;
      30         delete[] data_;
      31     }
      32     stack(stack& s) 
      33     : size_(s.size_), capacity_(s.capacity_), data_(new int[s.capacity_]) {
      34         stack_count_++;
      35         for(int i =0; i < size_; i++)
      36             data_[i] = s.data_[i];
      37     }
      38     static int GetStackNumber() {
      39         return stack_count_;
      40     }
      41 private:
      42     static int stack_count_;
      43     int *data_;
      44     int size_;
      45     int capacity_;
      46 };
      48 int stack::stack_count_;
      50 int main() {
      51     cout << stack::GetStackNumber()<< endl;
      52     stack s1(5);
      53     cout << s1.GetStackNumber()<< endl;
      54     s1.push(1);
      55     s1.push(2);
      56     s1.push(3);
      57     stack s2(s1);
      58     cout << s2.GetStackNumber()<< endl;
      59     while(s1.size() > 0) {
      60         cout << s1.top() << endl;
      61         s1.pop();
      62     }
      63     while(s2.size() > 0) {
      64         cout << s2.top() << endl;
      65         s2.pop();
      66     }
      67 }
  8.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 #include <stdexcept>
       3 using namespace std;
       5 class stack {
       6 public:
       7     void push(int i) {
       8         if(size_ < capacity_)
       9             data_[size_++] = i;
      10     }
      11     void pop() {
      12         if(size_ > 0)
      13             size_ --;
      14     }
      15     int top() const {
      16         if(size_ > 0)
      17             return data_[size_-1];
      18         else
      19             throw std::out_of_range("");
      20     }
      21     int size() const {
      22         return size_;
      23     }
      24     ~stack() {
      25         delete[] data_;
      26     }
      27     static stack &create(int capacity) {
      28         static stack s(capacity);
      29         return s;
      30     }
      31 private:
      32     stack(stack& s);
      34     stack(int capacity) 
      35     : capacity_ (capacity), size_(0), data_(new int[capacity]) {
      36     }
      38     int *data_;
      39     int size_;
      40     int capacity_;
      41 };
      43 int main() {
      44     stack &s1 = stack::create(5);
      45     s1.push(1);
      46     s1.push(2);
      47     s1.push(3);
      48     stack &s2 = stack::create(6);
      49     while(s1.size() > 0) {
      50         cout << s1.top() << endl;
      51         s1.pop();
      52     }
      53     while(s2.size() > 0) {
      54         cout << s2.top() << endl;
      55         s2.pop();
      56     }
      57 }
  9.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 #include <stdexcept>
       3 #include <stdlib.h>
       4 using namespace std;
       5 struct node{
       6     int data;
       7     node *next;
       8 };
       9 class stack{
      10 private:
      11     node *head;
      12 public:
      13     stack(){
      14         head=NULL;
      15     }
      16     void push(int i){
      17         node *p=new node;
      18         p->next=head;
      19         p->data=i;
      20         head=p;
      21     }   
      22     void pop(){
      23         node *p=head;
      24         if(p!=NULL){
      25             head=head->next;
      26             delete p;
      27         }
      28     }
      29     int size(){
      30         int count=0;
      31         for(node *p=head;p!=NULL;p=p->next)
      32             count++;
      33         return count;
      34     }
      35     int top(){
      36         return head->data;
      37     }
      38     stack(stack &s){
      39         head=NULL;
      40         node *tail=NULL;
      41         for(node *q=s.head;q!=NULL;q=q->next){
      42             node *p=new node;
      43             p->data=q->data;
      44             p->next=NULL;
      45             if(tail==NULL)
      46                 tail=head=p;
      47             else{
      48                 tail->next=p;
      49                 tail=p;
      50             } 
      51         }
      52     }
      53     ~stack(){
      54         while(head!=NULL)
      55             pop();
      56     }
      57 };
  10. Date.h:

       1 #ifndef DATE_H
       2 #define DATE_H
       4 class Date {
       5 public:
       6    bool SetDate( int, int, int ); // set the date
       8    int DaysFrom19900101() const;
       9    Date Add(int delta) const;
      10    int Delta(const Date &anotherDate) const;
      11    void Output() const;
      13    void increment();
      14    void decrement();
      15    bool leap_year() const;
      16    bool is_equal(const Date &anotherDate) const;
      17    int weekday() const;
      18    static Date now();
      19 private:
      20    int month;
      21    int day;
      22    int year;
      23    bool is_valid() const;
      24 };
      26 #endif


    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    #include "date.h"
    int nonleap_days[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
    int leap_days[] = {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
    char *chinese[] = {"〇", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九"};
    bool Date::leap_year() const
        return year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0;
    bool Date::is_valid() const 
        return year > 0 && month >=1 && month <=12 && day >=0 && 
            ( leap_year() ? day <= leap_days[month-1] : day <= nonleap_days[month-1]);    
    bool Date::is_equal(const Date &a) const
        return year == a.year && month == a.month && day == a.day;
    void Date::increment() 
        if(!is_valid()) {
            day = 1; month++;
            if(!is_valid()) {
                month = 1;
                year ++;
    void Date::decrement() 
        if(day == 0) {
            if(month == 0) {
                year --;
                month = 12;
            day = leap_year() ? leap_days[month-1] : nonleap_days[month-1];
    bool Date::SetDate(int y, int m, int d)
        year = y;
        month = m;
        day = d;    
        return is_valid();
    int Date::DaysFrom19900101() const
        Date d;
        d.SetDate(1900, 1, 1);
        return Delta(d);
    Date Date::Add(int delta) const 
        Date d(*this);
        for(; delta > 0; delta--) 
        for(; delta < 0; delta++)
        return d;
    int Date::Delta(const Date &anotherDate) const
        int diff = 0;
        Date a (anotherDate);
        if( year > a.year || year == a.year && month > a.month || 
            year == a.year && month == a.month && day > a.day)
            for(; !is_equal(a); diff++) 
            for(; !is_equal(a); diff--) 
        return diff;
    void Date::Output() const
        int dy = 1;
        for(int y = year; y >= 10; y /= 10) {
            dy *= 10;
        for(int y = year; dy > 0; y%=dy, dy/=10) {
            cout << chinese[ (y - y % dy)/dy];
        cout << "年"; 
        if(month >= 10)
            cout << "十";
        if(month % 10 !=0)
            cout << chinese[month % 10];
        cout << "月"; 
        if(day >= 20)
            cout << chinese[day / 10];
        if(day >= 10)
            cout << "十";
        if(day % 10 != 0)
            cout << chinese[day % 10];
        cout <<"日";  
    int Date::weekday() const{
        Date d(2005, 12, 25);
        int delta = Delta(d);
        if(delta >= 0)
            return delta % 7;
            return ( 7 - (-delta % 7) ) % 7;
    Date Date::now() {
  11.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 #include <string>
       3 using namespace std;
       5 #define MALE true
       6 #define FEMALE false
       7 struct Date{
       8     int year, month, day;
       9     Date(int y, int m, int d): year(y), month(m), day(d) {}
      10 };
      12 class Person{
      13 public:
      14     Person(string name, Date birth, bool gender)
      15     : name_(name), birth_(birth), gender_(gender) {
      16     }
      17     virtual void print() const {
      18         cout << name_;
      19         cout << birth_.year << birth_.month << birth_.day;
      20         cout << (gender_?"":"");
      21     } 
      22 protected:
      23     string name_ ;
      24     Date birth_;
      25     bool gender_;
      26 };
      28 class Student : public Person{
      29 public:
      30     Student(string name, Date birth, bool gender, string id, string department)
      31     : Person(name, birth, gender), id_(id), department_(department) 
      32     {}
      33     void print() const {
      34         Person::print();
      35         cout << id_ << department_;
      36     }
      37 protected:
      38     string id_;
      39     string department_;        
      40 };
      43 class Teacher : public Person{
      44 public:
      45     Teacher(string name, Date birth, bool gender, string title, double salary)
      46     : Person(name, birth, gender), title_(title), salary_(salary) 
      47     {}
      48     void print() const {
      49         Person::print();
      50         cout << title_ << salary_;
      51     }
      52 protected:
      53     string title_;
      54     double salary_;        
      55 };
      57 class GradStudent : public Student{
      58 public:
      59     GradStudent(string name, Date birth, bool gender, string id, string department, Teacher *t)
      60     : Student(name, birth, gender, id, department) , tutor_(t)
      61     {}
      62     void print() const {
      63         Student::print();
      64         tutor_->print();
      65     }
      66 protected:
      67     Teacher *tutor_;        
      68 };
      70 int main() {
      71     Person *p[4];
      72     p[0] = new Person( "jack", Date(1980, 8, 8), MALE ); 
      73     p[1] = new Student( "rose", Date(1982, 8, 7), FEMALE, "0203813", "computer" );
      74     p[2] = new Teacher( "czk", Date(1979, 8, 27), MALE, "professor", 1000);
      75     p[3] = new GradStudent("lisa", Date(1982, 8, 7), FEMALE, "0203812", "computer", (Teacher *)p[2]);
      76     for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      77         p[i] -> print();
      78         cout << endl;
      79     }
      80 }
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