版本14和23间的区别 (跳过第9版)
于2006-02-22 11:35:35修订的的版本14
大小: 15263
编辑: czk
于2006-02-28 22:56:02修订的的版本23
大小: 20002
编辑: czk
删除的内容标记成这样。 加入的内容标记成这样。
行号 38: 行号 38:
= vector向量 =
== 接口说明 ==
= 容器与容器适配器 =
= vector向量 ==
=== 接口说明 ===
行号 46: 行号 47:
   template< class T, class Allocator = allocator<T> > vector;    template< class T, class Allocator = allocator<T> > class vector;
行号 52: 行号 53:
=== 构造方法 === ==== 构造方法 ====
行号 63: 行号 64:
=== 不变操作和赋值 === ==== 不变操作和赋值 ====
行号 74: 行号 75:
=== 元素访问 === ==== 元素访问 ====
行号 80: 行号 81:
a1.end() //取最后一个元素

=== 跌代子 ===
a1.back() //取最后一个元素

==== 跌代子 ====
行号 92: 行号 93:
=== 插入删除操作 === ==== 插入删除操作 ====
行号 107: 行号 108:
== 用法实例 == === 用法实例 ===
行号 144: 行号 145:
== vector的实现 == === vector的实现 ===
行号 231: 行号 232:
= deque双端队列 = == deque双端队列 ==
行号 266: 行号 267:
= list链表 = == list链表 ==
行号 314: 行号 315:
= stack栈 = == stack栈 ==
行号 349: 行号 350:
= queue队列 = == queue队列 ==
行号 385: 行号 386:
= priority_queue优先队列 = == priority_queue优先队列 ==
行号 420: 行号 421:
= set与multi_set = == set与multi_set ==
行号 475: 行号 476:
= map与multi_map = == map与multi_map ==
行号 524: 行号 525:
= 算法Algorithm =


#include <algorithm> //一般算法

#include <numeric> //数值算法

#include <functional> //仿函数

== 算法分类 ==
 * for_each
 * count
 * count_if
 * min_element
 * max_element
 * find
 * find_if
 * search_n
 * search
 * find_end
 * find_first_of
 * adjacent_find
 * equal
 * mismatch
 * lexicographical_compare

 * copy
 * copy_backward
 * transform
 * merge
 * swap_ranges
 * fill
 * fill_n
 * generate
 * generate_n
 * replace
 * replace_if
 * replace_copy
 * replace_copy_if

 * remove
 * remove_if
 * remove_copy
 * remove_copy_if
 * unique
 * unique_copy





== for_each ==

template <class InputIterator, class UnaryFunction>
UnaryFunction for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, UnaryFunction f) {
   while( first != end) {
return f;
void print ( int elem) {
   cout << elem << ‘ ‘;
int main() {
vector< int > col( 5, 10);
for_each( col.begin(), col.end(), print);
cout << endl;
template< class T>
class AddValue{
T value;
AddValue( const T&v) : value(v) {}
void operator()(T&elem) const { elem+=value; }
int main() {
vector<int > col(5, 10);
for_each(col.begin(), col.end(), AddValue<int>(10));
   copy( col.begin(), col.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, “ “));
class MeanValue {
   int num, sum;
   MeanValue() : num(0), sum(0) {}
   void operator()( int elem ) { num ++; sum+=elem; }
   double value() { return static_cast<double>(sum) / static_cast<double>(num); }
int main() {
vector<int> col(5, 10);
MeanValue mv = for_each(col.begin(), col.end(), MeanValue() );
cout << mv.value();
== transform ==
template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class UnaryFunction>
OutputIterator transform(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, UnaryFunction op) {
while( first != last ) {
    *result = op(*first);
return result;
template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator, class BinaryFunction>
OutputIterator transform(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, OutputIterator result, BinaryFunction binary_op) {
while( first1 != last1 ) {
    *result = op(*first1, *first2);
return result;
int main() {
vector< int > c1(5, 10);
transform( c1.begin(), c1.end(), c1.begin(), negate<int>() );
list < int> c2;
transform( c1.begin(), c1.end(), back_inserter(c2), bind2nd(multiplies<int>(), 5));
transform( c2.rbegin(), c2.rend(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, “ “), negate<int>());
transform( c1.begin(), c1.end(), c1.begin(), c1.begin(), multiplies<int>());
transform( c1.begin(), c1.end(), c2.rbegin(), c1.begin(), plus<int>());
transform( c1.begin(), c1.end(), c1.begin(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, “ “), minus<int>() );
行号 527: 行号 720:
 1. Write a program that prints the distinct words in its input sorted into decreasing order of frequency of occurrence. Precede each word by its count.
 1. Write a cross-referencer that prints a list of all words in a document, and for each word, a list of the line numbers on which it occurs.
 1. Write the program tail, which prints the last n lines of its input. By default, n is set to 10, let us say, but it can be changed by an optional argument so that{{{
tail -n
}}}prints the last n lines. The program should behave rationally no matter how unreasonable the input or the value of n. Write the program so it makes the best use of available storage.
行号 529: 行号 727:
 1. Write a program to implement a queue using two stacks.



STL是Standard Template Library的缩写,是C++标准库中最强大、最复杂、最有用的部分。STL主要由容器(container)、跌代子(iterator)、算法(algorithm)所组成。还有仿函数(functor)、适配器(adapter)、配置器(allocator)等辅助组件。

1. 容器container

容器是存放和管理数据元素的数据结构,分为两大类:顺序容器(sequence container)和关联容器(associative container)。

  • 顺序容器有:vector(向量,酷似数组), deque(双端队列), list(双链表)
  • 关联容器有:map(字典), set(集合), multi_map(允许重复键的字典), multi_set(允许重复键的集合)


  • 特殊的容器:string(字符串), array(C语言原始数组)
  • 容器适配器:stack(栈), queue(队列), priority_queue(优先队列)
  • 内部容器:不提供给用户使用,只用来实现其他容器,比如红黑树(用来实现map,set),堆(用来实现priority_queue)


2. 跌代子iterator

跌代子是用来访问容器内元素的对象,类似指针。 跌代子根据能力的不同,分为:

  • 随机跌代子(vector、deque的迭代子)
  • 双向跌代子(list的迭代子)
  • 单向跌代子
  • 输入跌代子
  • 输出跌代子


  • 跌代子适配器:将原来不是迭代子的东西变成迭代子,或者将一种迭代子变成另一种迭代子(比如back_inserter, front_inserter, inserter, 反向迭代子,ostream_iterator, istream_iterator)

3. 算法algorithm


4. 仿函数functor



1. vector向量

1.1. 接口说明


   1 #include <vector>
   2 namespace std {
   3    template< class T, class Allocator = allocator<T> > class vector;
   4 }

T可以是任何类型,但是必须满足:assignable, copyable

1.1.1. 构造方法

   1 vector< int > a2(10); //构造10个元素的vector
   2 vector< int > a3(10, 5); //构造一个10个元素的vector,每个元素都是5
   3 vector< int > a4(a2); //构造一个vector与a2完全一样
   4 vector< int > a1; // 构造一个空的vector
   5 int values[] = {10, 11, 12, 13, 14};
   6 vector< int > a5( values, values+5); //通过迭代子来构造vector

1.1.2. 不变操作和赋值

   1 a1.size( ) //取容器内元素的个数
   2 a1.empty( ) //判断容器是否为空
   3 a1 == a2 //判断两个容器的内容是否相同, 还有!=, <, >, <=, >=
   4 a1 = a2 //将a2全部元素赋给a1
   5 a1.assign( values, values+5 ) //将values[0]到values[4]赋给a1
   6 a1.assign( 10, 5) //给a1赋值10个5

1.1.3. 元素访问

   1 a1[ 5 ] //取第5个元素,下标从0开始
   2 a1.at(5) //取第5个元素,带边界检查
   3 a1.front() //取第0个元素
   4 a1.back() //取最后一个元素

1.1.4. 跌代子

   1 a1.begin() //随机跌代子,指向a1[0]
   2 a1.end()  //随机跌代子,指向最后一个的下一个
   3 a1.rbegin() //随机跌代子,指向最后一个
   4 a1.rend() //随机跌代子,指向a1[0]的前一个

1.1.5. 插入删除操作

   1 a1.insert( a1.begin(), 5); //在a1的最前面插入一个5
   2 a1.insert(a1.end(), 10, 6); //在a1的最后面插入10个6
   3 a1.insert(a1.begin(), values, values+5) //在a1的最前面插入values[0]到values[4]
   4 a1.push_back( 5 ) //在a1的最后面插入一个5
   5 a1.pop_back( ) // 删除a1的最后一个元素
   6 a1.erase( a1.begin() ) //删除a1中的第一个元素
   7 a1.erase( a1.begin(), a1.begin() +2) //删除a1最前面2个元素
   8 a1.resize( 10 ) //将a1元素个数改为10,增加的部分值为默认构造
   9 a1.resize( 10, 6) //将a1元素个数改为10,增加的部分值为6
  10 a1.clear() //清除所有元素

1.2. 用法实例

   1 #include <vector>
   2 int main() {
   3    using namespace std;
   4    vector< string > sentence;
   5    sentence.reserve( 5 );
   6    sentence.push_back( “ Hello, “);
   7    sentence.push_back( “how “);
   8    sentence.push_back( “are “);
   9    sentence.push_back( "you ");
  10    sentence.push_back( “?“);
  11    copy( sentence.begin(), sentence.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, “  “));
  12    cout << endl;
  13    cout << sentence.size() << endl;
  14    cout << sentence.capacity() << endl;
  15    swap( sentence[1], sentence[3]);
  16    sentence.insert( find(sentence.begin(), sentence.end(), “?”), “always”);
  17    sentence.back() = “!”;
  18    copy( sentence.rbegin(), sentence.rend(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, “  “));
  19    cout << endl;
  20 }


   1 vector < int > a(10); // int a[10];
   2 a[0] = 1;
   3 a[1] = 2;
   4 a[2] = a[0] + a[1];
   5 for( int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
   6    scanf( “%d”, &a[i] );

1.3. vector的实现



   1 template<class T, class Alloc=alloc>
   2 class vector {
   3 public:
   4     typedef T value_type;
   5     typedef value_type* iterator;
   6     typedef value_type& reference;
   7     typedef size_t size_type;
   8 protected:
   9     iterator start;
  10     iterator finish;
  11     iterator end_of_storage;
  14 public:
  15     iterator begin() { return start; }
  16     iterator end() { return finish; }
  17     size_type size() const { //返回当前元素个数
  18         return size_type(end() - begin());
  19     }
  20     bool empty() const {
  21         return begin() == end();
  22     }
  23     reference operator[](size_type n) {
  24         return *(begin() + n);
  25     }
  26     reference front() {
  27         return *begin();
  28     }
  29     reference back() {
  30         return *(end() - 1);
  31     }
  32     size_type capacity() const {  //返回当前容量的大小
  33         return size_type(end_of_storage - begin()); 
  34     } 
  35     size_type reserve(size_type n); //改变容量的大小
  36     void push_back(const T& x) {
  37         if(finish != end_of_storage) {
  38             construct(finish, x);
  39             ++finish;
  40         } else {
  41             insert_aux(end(), x);
  42         }
  43     }
  44 protected:
  45     typedef simple_alloc<value_type, Alloc> data_allocator;
  46     void deallocate() {
  47         if(start) data_allocator::deallocate(start, end_of_storage - start);
  48     }
  50     void insert_aux(iterator position, const T& x) {
  51         if(finish != end_of_storage) {
  52             construct(finish, *(finish-1));
  53             ++finish;
  54             T x_copy = x;
  55             copy_backward(position, finish-2, finish-1);
  56             *position = x_copy;
  57         } else {
  58             const size_type old_size = size();
  59             const size_type len = old_size != 0 ? 2 * old_size : 1;
  60             iterator new_start = data_allocator::alloate(len);
  61             iterator new_finish = new_start;
  62             try {
  63                 new_finish = uninitialized_copy(start, position, new_start);
  64                 construct(new_finish, x);
  65                 ++ new_finish;
  66                 new_finish = uninitialized_copy(position, finish, new_finish);
  67             } catch(...) {
  68                 destroy(new_start, new_finish);
  69                 data_allocator::deallocate(new_start, len);
  70                 throw;
  71             }
  72             destroy(begin(), end());
  73             deallocate();
  74             start = new_start;
  75             finish = new_finish;
  76             end_of_storage = new_start + len;
  77         }
  78     }
  79 };

2. deque双端队列

deque与vector相似,区别是deque两端都是开放的,两端插入删除都很快。在头文件<deque>中定义。 attachment:deque.jpg

实现: attachment:deque_imp.jpg



操作非常相似,增加操作:push_front, pop_front,减少操作:reserve,capacity




   1 int main() {
   2     deque<string> coll;
   3     coll.assign (3, string("string"));
   4     coll.push_back ("last string");
   5     coll.push_front ("first string");
   6     copy (coll.begin(), coll.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout,"\n"));
   7     coll.pop_front();
   8     coll.pop_back();
   9     for (int i=1; i<coll.size(); ++i) {
  10         coll[i] = "another " + coll [i];
  11     }
  12     coll.resize (4, "resized string");
  13     copy (coll.begin(), coll.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout,"\n"));
  14 }

3. list链表


#include <list> 提供双向跌代子,不能随机访问 插入删除操作非常快速 插入删除操作不会使跌代子失效 提供了一些移动元素的算法,比通用算法更快

   1 c1.swap(c2):交换两个链表的内容
   2 c.remove(val)
   3 c.remove_if(predictor)
   4 c.unique() 删除重复元素
   5 c.splice() 将一个链表中的元素切一部分到另一个链表
   6 c.sort() 排序
   7 c.merge() 合并两个链表
   8 c.reverse() 倒置

   1 void printLists (const list<int>& 11, const list<int>& 12) {
   2 cout << "list1: ";
   3 copy (l1.begin(), l1.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout," "));
   4 cout << endl << "list2: ";
   5 copy (12.begin(), 12.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout," "));
   6 cout << endl << endl;
   7 }
   8 int main() {
   9 list<int> list1, list2;
  10 for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) {
  11 list1.push_back(i);
  12 list2.push_front(i);
  13 }
  14 printLists(list1, list2);
  15 list2.splice(find(list2.begin(),list2.end(), 3), list1); 
  16 printLists(list1, list2);
  17 list2.splice(list2.end(), list2, list2.begin());
  18 printLists(list1, list2);
  19 list2.sort();
  20 list1 = list2;
  21 list2.unique();
  22 printLists(list1, list2);
  23 list1.merge(list2);
  24 printLists(list1, list2);
  25 }

4. stack栈

#include <stack> namespace std { template <class T, class Container = deque<T> > class stack; } 实现:

主要操作 push() 入栈 top() 取栈顶元素 pop() 出栈 例:

   1 int main() {
   2 stack<int> st;
   3 st.push(l);
   4 st.push(2);
   5 st.push(3);
   6 cout << st.top() << ' ';
   7 st.pop() ;
   8 cout << st.top() << ' ';
   9 st.pop() ;
  10 st.top() = 77;
  11 st.push(4);
  12 st.push(5);
  13 st.pop() ;
  14 while (!st.empty()) {
  15 cout << st.top() << ' ';
  16 st.pop() ;
  17 }
  18 cout << endl;
  19 }

5. queue队列

#include <queue> namespace std { template <class T, class Container = deque<T> > class queue; } 实现

主要操作: push pop back front

   1 int main() {
   2 queue<string> q;
   3 q.push("These ");
   4 q.push("are ");
   5 q.push("more than ");
   6 cout << q.front();
   7 q.pop();
   8 cout << q.front();
   9 q.pop();
  10 q.push(''four ");
  11 q.push("words!");
  12 q.pop();
  13 cout << q.front();
  14 q.pop();
  15 cout << q.front() << endl;
  16 q.pop();
  17 cout << "number of elements in the queue: " << q.size() << endl;
  18 }

6. priority_queue优先队列

按照大小顺序出队的队列 #include <queue> namespace std { template <class T, class Container = vector<T>, class Compare = less<typename Container::value_type> > class priority_queue; } 实现:堆

push() 入队 top() 读取下一个元素 pop() 删除下一个元素

   1 int main() {
   2 priority_queue<float> q;
   3 q.push(66.6);
   4 q.push(22.2);
   5 q.push(44.4);
   6 cout << q.top() << ' ';
   7 q.pop();
   8 cout << q.top() << endl;
   9 q.pop();
  10 q.push(11.1);
  11 q.push(55.5);
  12 q.push(33.3);
  13 q.pop();
  14 while (!q.empty()) {
  15 cout << q.top() << ' ';
  16 q.pop();
  17 }
  18 cout << endl;
  19 }

7. set与multi_set


   1 #include <set>
   2 namespace std {
   3 template <class T,
   4 class Compare = less<T>,
   5 class Allocator = allocator<T> >
   6 class set;
   7 template <class T,
   8 class Compare = less<T>,
   9 class Allocator = allocator<T> >
  10 class multiset;
  11 }



   1 #include <iostream>
   2 #include <set>
   3 using namespace std;
   4 int main() {
   5 typedef set<int,greater<int> > IntSet;
   6 IntSet coll1; // empty set container
   7 coll1.insert(4);
   8 coll1.insert(3);
   9 coll1.insert(5);
  10 coll1.insert(1);
  11 coll1.insert(6);
  12 coll1.insert(2);
  13 coll1.insert(5);
  14 IntSet::iterator pos;
  15 for (pos = coll1.begin(); pos != coll1.end(); ++pos) {
  16 cout << *pos << ' ';
  17 }
  18 cout << endl;
  19 pair<IntSet::iterator,bool> status = coll1.insert(4);
  20 if (status.second) {
  21 cout << "4 inserted as element "<< distance (coll1.begin(),status. first) + 1<< endl;
  22 }else {
  23 cout << "4 already exists" << endl;
  24 }
  25 set<int> coll2(coll1.begin(),
  26 coll1.end());
  27 copy (coll2.begin(), coll2.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout," "));
  28 cout << endl;
  29 coll2.erase (coll2.begin(), coll2.find(3));
  30 int num;
  31 num = coll2.erase (5);
  32 cout << num << " element(s) removed" << endl;
  33 copy (coll2.begin(), coll2.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout," "));
  34 cout << endl;
  35 }

8. map与multi_map


   1 #include <map>
   2 namespace std {
   3 template <class Key, class T,
   4 class Compare = less<Key>,
   5 class Allocator = allocator<pair<const Key,T> > >
   6 class map;
   7 template <class Key, class T,
   8 class Compare = less<Key>,
   9 class Allocator = allocator<pair<const Key,T> > >
  10 class multimap;
  11 }


   1 #include <iostream>
   2 #include <map>
   3 #include <string>
   4 using namespace std;
   5 int main() {
   6 typedef map<string,float> StringFloatMap;
   7 StringFloatMap stocks; // create empty container
   8 stocks["BASF"] = 369.50;
   9 stocks["VW"] = 413.50;
  10 stocks["Daimler"] = 819.00;
  11 stocks["BMW"] = 834.00;
  12 stocks["Siemens"] = 842.20;
  13 StringFloatMap::iterator pos;
  14 for (pos = stocks.begin(); pos != stocks.end(); ++pos) {
  15 cout << "stock: " << pos->first << "\t" << "price: " << pos->second << endl;
  16 }
  17 cout << endl;
  18 for (pos = stocks.begin(); pos != stocks.end(); ++pos) {
  19 pos->second *= 2;
  20 }
  21 for (pos = stocks.begin(); pos != stocks.end(); ++pos) {
  22 cout << "stock: " << pos->first << "\t"<< "price: " << pos->second << endl;
  23 }
  24 cout << endl;
  25 stocks["Volkswagen"] = stocks["VW"];
  26 stocks.erase("VW");
  27 for (pos = stocks.begin(); pos != stocks.end(); ++pos) {
  28 cout << "stock: " << pos->first << "\t"<< "price: " << pos->second << endl;
  29 }
  30 }



#include <algorithm> //一般算法

#include <numeric> //数值算法

#include <functional> //仿函数

1. 算法分类


  • for_each
  • count
  • count_if
  • min_element
  • max_element
  • find
  • find_if
  • search_n
  • search
  • find_end
  • find_first_of
  • adjacent_find
  • equal
  • mismatch
  • lexicographical_compare


  • copy
  • copy_backward
  • transform
  • merge
  • swap_ranges
  • fill
  • fill_n
  • generate
  • generate_n
  • replace
  • replace_if
  • replace_copy
  • replace_copy_if


  • remove
  • remove_if
  • remove_copy
  • remove_copy_if
  • unique
  • unique_copy

变序性算法 reverse reverse_copy rotate rotate_copy next_permutation prev_permutation random_shuffle partition stable_partition

排序算法 sort stable_sort partial_sort partial_sort_copy nth_element partition stable_partition make_heap push_heap pop_heap sort_heap

已序区间算法 binary_search includes lower_bound upper_bound equal_range merge set_union set_intersection set_difference set_symmetric_difference inplace_merge

数值算法 accumulate inner_product adjacent_difference partial_sum

2. for_each



template <class InputIterator, class UnaryFunction>
UnaryFunction for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, UnaryFunction f) {
   while( first != end) {
return f;


void print ( int elem) {
   cout << elem << ‘ ‘;
int main() {
vector< int > col( 5, 10); 
for_each( col.begin(), col.end(), print);
cout << endl;


template< class T>
class AddValue{
T value;
AddValue( const T&v) : value(v) {}
void operator()(T&elem) const { elem+=value; }
int main() {
vector<int > col(5, 10);
for_each(col.begin(), col.end(), AddValue<int>(10));
   copy( col.begin(), col.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, “  “));


class MeanValue {
   int num, sum;
   MeanValue() : num(0), sum(0) {}
   void operator()( int elem ) { num ++; sum+=elem; }
   double value() { return static_cast<double>(sum) / static_cast<double>(num); }
int main() {
vector<int> col(5, 10);
MeanValue  mv = for_each(col.begin(), col.end(), MeanValue() );
cout << mv.value();

3. transform


template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class UnaryFunction>
OutputIterator transform(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, UnaryFunction op) {
while( first != last ) {
    *result = op(*first);
return result;


template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator, class BinaryFunction>
OutputIterator transform(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, OutputIterator result, BinaryFunction binary_op) {
while( first1 != last1 ) {
    *result = op(*first1, *first2);
return result;


int main() {
vector< int > c1(5, 10);
transform( c1.begin(), c1.end(), c1.begin(), negate<int>() );
list < int> c2;
transform( c1.begin(), c1.end(), back_inserter(c2), bind2nd(multiplies<int>(), 5));
transform( c2.rbegin(), c2.rend(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, “ “), negate<int>());
transform( c1.begin(), c1.end(), c1.begin(), c1.begin(), multiplies<int>());
transform( c1.begin(), c1.end(), c2.rbegin(), c1.begin(), plus<int>());
transform( c1.begin(), c1.end(), c1.begin(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, “ “), minus<int>() );


  1. Write a program to print a histogram of the frequencies of different characters in its input.
  2. Write a program to print a histogram of the lengths of words in its input. It is easy to draw the histogram with the bars horizontal; a vertical orientation is more challenging.
  3. Write a program that prints the distinct words in its input sorted into decreasing order of frequency of occurrence. Precede each word by its count.
  4. Write a cross-referencer that prints a list of all words in a document, and for each word, a list of the line numbers on which it occurs.
  5. Write the program tail, which prints the last n lines of its input. By default, n is set to 10, let us say, but it can be changed by an optional argument so that

    tail -n
    prints the last n lines. The program should behave rationally no matter how unreasonable the input or the value of n. Write the program so it makes the best use of available storage.
  6. Write a program to remove all comments from a C program. Don't forget to handle quoted strings and character constants properly. C comments don't nest.
  7. Write a program to check a C program for rudimentary syntax errors like unmatched parentheses, brackets and braces. Don't forget about quotes, both single and double, escape sequences, and comments. (This program is hard if you do it in full generality.)
  8. Write a program to implement a queue using two stacks.

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