版本6和8间的区别 (跳过第2版)
于2006-06-25 22:09:34修订的的版本6
大小: 19129
编辑: czk
于2006-07-27 20:01:19修订的的版本8
大小: 20794
编辑: czk
删除的内容标记成这样。 加入的内容标记成这样。
行号 15: 行号 15:

int main() {
    complex x, y;
    x.real = 10.0;
    x.imag = 20.0;
    y.real = 1.0;
    y.imag = -2.0;
    complex z = add(x, y);
行号 32: 行号 41:


struct Student{
   char num[20];
   char name[10];
   bool gender;
void display(Student &s) {
    cout << s.num << s.name << (s.gender?"male":"female");
int main() {
    Student stud1, stud2;
    // initialize
行号 54: 行号 83:

int main() {
    Clock c1, c2;
    c1.SetTime(10, 10, 30);
    c2.SetTime(18, 00, 00);
行号 73: 行号 110:
// main.cpp源文件
int main() {
    Clock c1, c2;
    c1.SetTime(10, 10, 30);
    c2.SetTime(18, 00, 00);

struct Student{
   char num[20];
   char name[10];
   bool gender;
   void diplay() {
       cout << num << name << (gender?"male":"female");
int main() {
   Student stud1, stud2;
   // initialize
行号 167: 行号 232:
 int hour, minute, second;     int hour, minute, second;
行号 169: 行号 234:
 void SetTime(int yy, int mm, int dd);
 void ShowTime();
    void SetTime(int yy, int mm, int dd);
    void ShowTime();
行号 196: 行号 261:

class Student{
    char num[20];
    char name[10];
    bool gender;
    void display() {
        cout << num << name << (gender?"male":"female");
    void setnum(char n[]) {
        strcpy(num, n);
    void setname(char n[]) {
        strcpy(name, n);
    void setgender(bool g) {
        gender = g;

int main() {
    Student stud1;
    cout << stud1.gender; //error



1. 问题


   1 struct complex {
   2     double real;
   3     double imag;
   4 };
   5 complex add(complex a, complex b); 
   6 complex substract(complex a, complex b);
   7 complex multiply(complex a, complex b);
   9 int main() {
  10     complex x, y;
  11     x.real = 10.0;
  12     x.imag = 20.0;
  13     y.real = 1.0;
  14     y.imag = -2.0;
  15     complex z = add(x, y);
  16 }


   1 struct Clock {
   2     int second;
   3     int minute;
   4     int hour;
   5 };
   6 void SetTime( Clock *c, int h, int m, int s) {
   7     c->second = s;
   8     c->minute = m;
   9     c->hour = h;
  10 }
  11 void ShowTime( Clock *c) {
  12     cout << c->hour << c->minute << c->second;
  13 }


   1 struct Student{
   2    char num[20];
   3    char name[10];
   4    bool gender;
   5 };
   6 void display(Student &s) {
   7     cout << s.num << s.name << (s.gender?"male":"female");
   8 } 
   9 int main() {
  10     Student stud1, stud2;
  11     // initialize
  12     display(stud1);
  13     display(stud2);
  14 }

2. C++的类


   1 struct Clock {
   2     int  hour, minute, second;
   3     void SetTime(int h, int m, int s);
   4     void ShowTime();
   5 };


   1 struct Clock {
   2     int  hour, minute, second;
   3     void SetTime(int h, int m, int s) {
   4         hour = h; minute = m; second = s;
   5     }
   6     void ShowTime() {
   7         cout << hour << minute << second;
   8     }
   9 };
  11 int main() {
  12     Clock c1, c2;
  13     c1.SetTime(10, 10, 30);
  14     c2.SetTime(18, 00, 00);
  15     c1.ShowTime();
  16     c2.ShowTime();
  17 }


   1 //clock.h头文件:
   2 struct Clock {
   3     int  hour, minute, second;
   4     void SetTime(int h, int m, int s);
   5     void ShowTime();
   6 };
   8 //clock.cpp源文件:
   9 void Clock::SetTime(int h, int m, int s) {
  10     hour = h;
  11     minute = m;
  12     second = s;
  13 }
  14 void Clock::ShowTime() {
  15     cout << hour << minute << second;
  16 }
  18 // main.cpp源文件
  19 int main() {
  20     Clock c1, c2;
  21     c1.SetTime(10, 10, 30);
  22     c2.SetTime(18, 00, 00);
  23     c1.ShowTime();
  24     c2.ShowTime();
  25 }


   1 struct Student{
   2    char num[20];
   3    char name[10];
   4    bool gender;
   5    void diplay() {
   6        cout << num << name << (gender?"male":"female");
   7    }
   8 };
   9 int main() {
  10    Student stud1, stud2;
  11    // initialize
  12    stud1.display();
  13    stud2.display();
  14 }


   1 int main() {
   2    struct Clock now;      // 类似于C语言结构体
   3    Clock next;            // struct可以省略
   4    next.hour = 0;         // 同C语言结构体类似,可以访问成员
   5    now.SetTime(9, 40, 0); // 可以用类似的方式调用成员函数
   6    now.ShowTime();
   7    next.SetTime(9, 40, 1);
   8    next.ShowTime();
   9 }


   1 void f() {
   2     Clock * my_clock = new Clock; //分配对象
   3     my_clock->hour = 10;          //通过指针访问成员
   4     my_clock->SetTime (9, 40, 0); //通过指针调用成员函数
   5     my_clock->ShowTime();
   6     delete my_clock;              //释放对象
   7 }


   1 int main() {
   2     Clock clocks[100]; // 类似于int array[100];
   3     clocks[0].SetTime(9, 10, 25);
   4     clocks[1].SetTime(9, 9, 13);
   5     clocks[2].SetTime(9, 12, 25);
   6     // ... ...
   7     Clock *pc = new Clock[100];
   8     pc[0].SetTime(11, 20, 30);
   9     // ... ...
  10 }


   1 struct Clock {
   2     int second, minute, hour;
   3     inline void ShowTime() { //inline may be omitted
   4         cout << hour << minute << second;
   5     }
   6 };


   1 inline void Clock::ShowTime() {
   2     cout << hour << minute << second;
   3 }


   1 struct Clock {
   2     int second, minute, hour;
   3     void SetTime(int h, int m) {
   4         hour = h;
   5         minute = m;
   6         second = 0;
   7     }
   8     void SetTime(int h) {
   9         hour = h;
  10         minute = second = 0;
  11     }    
  12 };
  13 int main() {
  14     Clock t;
  15     t.SetTime( 10, 30);
  16     t.SetTime( 10 );
  17 }


   1 struct Clock {
   2     int second, minute, hour;
   3     void SetTime(int h =0, int m=0, int s=0);
   4 };
   5 void Clock::SetTime(int h, int m, int s) {
   6     hour = h;  minute = m; second = s;
   7 }

3. 类的访问权限

   1 class Clock {
   2 private: //只能在类内访问
   3     int hour, minute, second;  
   4 public:  //可以在类外访问
   5     void SetTime(int yy, int mm, int dd);
   6     void ShowTime();
   7 };


   1 int main(){
   2     Clock d;
   3     d.SetTime(8, 27, 0);  // 访问public, ok
   4     d.hour = 10;          // 访问private错误
   5 }
   6 void Clock::SetTime(int h, int m, int s) {
   7     hour = h;    //访问private, ok
   8     minute = m;
   9     second = s;
  10 }


   1 struct ClockA {
   2     void SetTime(int yy, int mm, int dd); // public here
   3 };
   5 class ClockB {
   6     int hour, minute, second; // private here;
   7 };


   1 class Student{
   2 private:
   3     char num[20];
   4     char name[10];
   5     bool gender;
   6 public:
   7     void display() {
   8         cout << num << name << (gender?"male":"female");
   9     }
  10     void setnum(char n[]) {
  11         strcpy(num, n);
  12     }
  13     void setname(char n[]) {
  14         strcpy(name, n);
  15     }
  16     void setgender(bool g) {
  17         gender = g;
  18     }
  19 };
  21 int main() {
  22     Student stud1;
  23     stud1.setname("jack");
  24     stud1.setnum("05020001");
  25     stud1.setgender(true);
  26     stud1.display();
  27     cout << stud1.gender;  //error
  28 }

4. 构造与析构

定义变量的同时完成初始化(resource acquisition is initialization)是一种好的编程习惯,可以避免错误。

   1 int i = 5;  // 定义普通变量,定义的同时初始化
   2 cout << i;  // 访问变量
   3 Clock time; // 定义对象,定义了以后没有初始化
   4 time.ShowTime();          //错误,没有初始化
   5 time.SetTime(2000, 5, 1); //需要调用初始化函数后
   6 time.ShowTime();          //才能够访问


   1 class Clock{
   2 public:
   3     Clock(int h, int m, int s);
   4 };


   1 Clock::Clock( int h, int m, int s) {
   2     hour = h; minute = m; second = s;
   3 }


   1 int main() {
   2     Clock now;  //错误
   3     Clock getup(6, 30, 30); 
   4     Clock now = Clock(9, 21, 20);
   5     Clock *pC = new Clock(23, 30, 25);
   6 }


   1 class Clock {
   2     int hour, minute, second;
   3 public:
   4     Clock(int h, int m=0, int s=0);
   5     Clock(); // default constructor默认构造函数
   6     Clock(const char *);
   7     void Clock (/*...*/); // error
   8 };


   1 int main() {
   2     Clock now;  //默认构造now对象call default constructor
   3     Clock getup(6, 30, 30); 
   4     Clock now = Clock(9, 21);
   5     Clock *pC = new Clock("23:30:0");
   6 }


   1 class Clock {
   2     int hour, minute, second;
   3 public:
   4     Clock(int h =0, int m = 0, int s=0);
   5 };


   1 class Clock {
   2         int hour, minute, second;
   3 public:
   4         ~Clock();
   5 };


   1 int main() {
   2     Clock d1(4, 11, 1);
   3     if( true ){
   4         Clock *d2 = new Clock(9, 9, 9);
   5         Clock d3(8, 10,0);
   6         //…
   7     } // d3 is destructed here
   8     delete d2; // d2 is destructed here
   9     Clock d4;
  10 }  // d1,d4 is destructed here


   1 int main() {
   2     Clock *d1 = new Clock ;
   3     Clock *d2 = new Clock ( 10, 11, 1);
   4     Clock *d3 = new Clock [ 1000 ];
   5     Clock *d4 = (Clock *)malloc( sizeof(Clock) );
   6     delete d1;
   7     delete d2;
   8     delete[ ] d3;
   9     free(d4);
  10 }


   1 void f() {
   2     Clock cls[10];
   3     Clock *p = new Clock[10];
   4 }

5. 对象的拷贝构造


   1 void f( Date d ); 
   3 int main() {
   4     Date today;      //默认构造函数
   5     Date d = today;  //拷贝构造
   6     Date s( today ); //拷贝构造
   7     d = another_day; //赋值
   8     f(s);            //拷贝构造


   1 class Clock {
   2     int hour, minute, second;
   3 public:
   4     Clock(Clock& c) {
   5          hour = c.hour; 
   6          minite = c.minute;
   7          second = 0;
   8     }
   9 };


   1 int main() {
   2     Array arr(10);  // 相当于int arr[10];
   3     arr.at(0) = 3;  // 相当于arr[0] = 3;
   4     arr.at(1) = 5;  // 相当于arr[1] = 5;
   5 }

   1 class Array {
   2 private:
   3     int *p;
   4     int size;
   5 public:
   6     Array(int s) {
   7         size = s;
   8         p = new int [ size ];
   9     }
  10     ~Array() {
  11         delete[ ] p; 
  12     }
  13     int & at( int i) {
  14         if( i < size)
  15             return p[i];
  16         else
  17             return 0; 
  18     }
  19 };


   1 int main() {
   2     Array arr( 10 );
   3     arr.at(0) = 10;
   4     Array arr2(arr); // error here
   5 }


   1 class Array {
   2 private:
   3     int *p;
   4     int size;
   5 public:
   6     Array(int s) {
   7         size = s;
   8         p = new int [ size ];
   9     }
  10     ~Array() {
  11         delete[ ] p;
  12     }
  13     int & at( int i) {
  14         if( i < size)
  15             return p[i];
  16         else
  17             return 0;
  18     }
  19     Array( Array &a) { 
  20         size = a.size;
  21         p = new int [size];
  22         for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
  23             p[i] = a.p[i];
  24     }
  25 };

6. 类的组合


   1 class point{
   2 private:
   3     double x, y;
   4 public:
   5     //...
   6 };
   8 class line {
   9 private:
  10     point start, end;
  11 public:
  12     //...
  13 };
  15 class circle {
  16 private:
  17     point center;
  18     double radius;
  19 public:
  20     //...
  21 };
  23 class rectangle {
  24 private:
  25     point p1, p2;
  26 public:
  27     //...
  28 };


   1 class point{
   2 public:
   3     double x, y;
   4     point(double x0 = 0, double y0 = 0) {
   5         x = x0;
   6         y = y0;
   7         cout << "point " << x << y << "initialized!" << endl;
   8     }
   9 };
  11 class line {
  12 public:
  13     point start, end;
  14     line(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) {
  15         cout << "line initializing" << endl;
  16         start.x = x0;
  17         start.y = y0;
  18         end.x = x1;
  19         end.y = y1;
  20     }
  21 };


   1 class point{
   2 private:
   3     double x, y;
   4 public:
   5     point(double x0, double y0) {
   6         x = x0;
   7         y = y0;
   8         cout << "point " << x << y << "initialized!" << endl;
   9     }
  10 };
  12 class line {
  13 private:
  14     point start, end;
  15 public:
  16     line(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
  17      : start(x0, y0), end(x1, y1) {
  18         cout << "line initializing" << endl;
  19     }
  20 };



   1 class C {
   2 public:
   3     C(int h, int m, int s) 
   4         : s ( 0 ), x( 0 ), time(h, m, s), t(time) 
   5     {   
   6     }
   7 private:
   8     int x;
   9     const int s;  //const data member
  10     Clock time;   // no default construct
  11     Clock &t;     // reference member
  12 };


   1 class point{
   2 private:
   3     double x, y;
   4 public:
   5     point(double a, double b) :x(a), y(b) { 
   6         cout << "construct point" << endl; 
   7     }
   8     ~point() {
   9         cout << "destruct point" << endl;
  10     }
  11 };
  12 class line {
  13 private:
  14     point start, end;
  15 public:
  16     line(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) 
  17         : start(x0, y0) , end(x1, y1) {
  18         cout << "construct line" << endl;
  19     }
  20     ~line() {
  21         cout << "destruct line" << endl;
  22     }
  23 };

7. 静态成员


   1 class Task {
   2 public:
   3     static unsigned n;
   4     int m;
   5 };
   6 unsigned Task::n;
   7 int main() {
   8     Task  t1, t2;
   9     t1.n = 10;
  10     cout << t2.n;
  11 }


   1 class Task {
   2 public:
   3     Task() : x(n) { n++; }
   4     ~Task() { n--; }
   5     int x;
   6     static unsigned n;
   7 };
   8 unsigned Task::n = 0;
  10 int main() {
  11     Task s1;
  12     cout << s1.x << s1.n << endl;
  13     Task s2;
  14     cout << s1.x << s1.n << endl;
  15     cout << s2.x << s2.n << endl;
  16     cout << Task::n << endl;
  17 }


   1 class Task {
   2 private:
   3     static unsigned n;
   4 public:
   5     static unsigned get_count() {
   6         return n;
   7     }
   8 };
   9 unsigned Task::n = 0;
  10 int main() {
  11     cout << Task::get_count();
  12     Task t;
  13     cout << t.get_count();
  14 }


   1 class Singleton{
   2 public:
   3     static  Singleton &create() {
   4         static Singleton s;
   5         return s; 
   6     }
   7 private:
   8     Singleton() { /*...*/ }
   9     Singleton(Singleton&){ /*...*/ }
  10 };

8. 友元


class Point {
    int x, y;
    int GetX() { return x; }
    friend bool isequal(Point a, Point b);
bool isequal(Point a, Point b) {
    return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;


   1 class Point {
   2     int x, y;
   3     friend class Rectangle; // Rectangle是Point的友元类
   4 };
   5 class Rectangle {
   6     Point p1, p2;
   7 public: 
   8     void display() {
   9          cout << p1.x << p1.y << p2.x << p2.y;
  10     }
  11 };


== const对象 ==


   1 class Clock{
   2     int hour, minute, second;
   3 public:
   4     Clock(int h, int m, int s)
   5        : hour(h), minute(m), second(s)
   6     {
   7     }
   8     void SetTime(int h, int m, int s) {
   9         hour = h;
  10         minute = m;
  11         second = s;
  12     }
  13     void ShowTime() {
  14         cout << hour << minute << second;
  15     }
  16 };
  17 int main() {
  18     const int i = 10;
  19     i++;                        //error!
  20     const Clock  t(10, 30, 20);
  21     cout << t.second;
  22     t.second = 10;              // error
  23     t.SetTime(10, 20, 10);      // error!
  24     t.ShowTime();               // error!
  25 }


   1 class Clock {
   2     int second, minute, hour;
   3 public:
   4     void ShowTime() const {
   5         cout << second << minute << hour ;
   6         hour = 10; // error!
   7     }
   8 };


   1 int main() {
   2    const  Clock  time(10, 20, 30);
   3    time.ShowTime();
   4    Clock now(10, 10, 10);
   5    time.ShowTime();
   6 }


   1 class Array {
   2 private:
   3     int *p, size;
   4 public:
   5     Array(int s) {
   6         size = s;
   7         p = new int [ size ];
   8     }
   9     ~Array() { delete[ ] p; }
  10     int & at( int i) {
  11          if( i < size) return p[i]; else throw out_of_range(); 
  12     }
  13     int at( int i) const  {
  14          if( i < size) return p[i]; else throw out_of_range(); 
  15     }
  16 };
  17 int main() {
  18     Array a(10);
  19     a.at(5) = 5;
  20     const Array b(5);
  21     b.at(5) = 5;      // error
  22 }

9. this指针

   1 class Clock {
   2     int second, minute, hour;
   3 public:
   4         void ShowTime() {
   5         cout <<  second << minute << hour;
   6       //cout << this->second << this->minute << this->hour;
   7     }
   8 };
   9 int main() {
  10     Clock  t1(10, 20, 30), t2(20, 30, 10);
  11     t1.ShowTime();
  12     t2.ShowTime();
  13 }

   1 void f() {
   2     Clock time(1999, 9, 9);
   3     time.set_second(20);
   4     time.set_minute(30)
   5     time.set_hour(10);
   6     time.set_second(20).set_minute(30).set_hour(10);
   7 }
   8 class Clock {
   9 public:
  10         Clock &set_second(int n);
  11         Clock &set_minute(int n);
  12         Clock &set_hour(int n);
  13 };
  14 Clock &Clock::set_second(int n) {
  15         second = n;
  16         return *this;
  17 }

this有两种类型:以Clock类为例,Clock* const和const Clock* const

   1 class Clock {
   2 public:
   3     void ShowTime() const {
   4         cout <<  second << minute << hour;
   5         second++; //error this类型为const Date *this
   7         Clock *p = (Clock*)(this); // 或者Clock *p = const_cast<Clock*>(this);
   8         p->second++; //ok
   9     }
  10 };

The End

C++类与对象 (2008-05-08 15:51:53由czk编辑)

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