版本1和7间的区别 (跳过第6版)
于2005-12-18 01:41:59修订的的版本1
大小: 1407
编辑: czk
于2005-12-18 02:06:49修订的的版本7
大小: 13260
编辑: czk
删除的内容标记成这样。 加入的内容标记成这样。
行号 57: 行号 57:
 1. {{{#!cplusplus
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class S {
    S(int a0) { cout << a0 << endl; }
    S(double a0, int b0) : d(a0), b(b0){ cout << a0 << b0 << endl; }
    S(char *p0) : d(a), b(2) { cout << p << endl;}
    S(int &a0) : a(0), b(1), c("abc"), d(r), p(new int) { }
    int a;
    const int b;
    string c;
    int &d;
    int *p;
int main() {
    S a(1);
    S b;
    S c(0.0, 1);
    S d("hello");
    S e(true);
    S f(a);
    e = a;
 1. {{{#!cplusplus
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Person{
    Person(string name) : name_ (name) { }
    virtual void print() const = 0 { cout << name_; }
    virtual bool compare(Person p) const { return p.name_ == name_; }
    string name_;
class Student : public Person {
    Student(string name, string id) { name_ = name; id_ = id; }
    Student(Person p, string id) { name_ = p.name_; id_ = id;}
    bool compare(Student s) const { return s.name_==name_ && s.id_ == id_; }
    void print() { cout << name_ << id_ << endl; }
    string id_;

int main() {
    Person p("Mike");
    Student s("jack", "12345");
    Student t(p, "23424");
    cout << s.compare(t);
    cout << p.compare(t);
    cout << s.compare(p);
 1. {{{#!cplusplus
class Integer{
    Integer(int a = 0) : i(a) {}
    Integer operator+(int a, int b) { return a + b;}
    Integer operator-() { return -i; }
    Integer operator+() { return i; }
    Integer operator++() { return ++i; }
    Integer operator++(int) { return i++; }
    bool operator<>(int a) { return i != a; }
    int i;
void operator>>(ostream &os, Integer i) {
    os << i;
istream & operator<<(istream &is, Integer i) {
    is >> i.i;
    return is;
Integer operator-(Integer a, Integer b) {
    return a.i - b.i;
int main() {
    Integer i(-1);
    Integer j;
    cin >> j;
    i = -i;
    i = i - j;
    i = i + 10;
    cout << i;
行号 58: 行号 150:
 1. {{{#!cplusplus
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int inc( int &a) {
    return ++a;
int dec( int a) {
    return --a;
int main() {
    int b = 10;
    cout << inc(b) << endl;
    cout << dec(b) << endl;
    cout << inc(b) << endl;
 1. {{{#!cplusplus
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int f( string a );
int f( int b , int c = 1);
int f( bool b);
int main() {
    string s = "";
    cout << f(s) << endl;
    cout << f('\060') << endl;
    cout << f(1, 2) << endl;
    cout << f(false) << endl;
    cout << f(0) << endl;
int f( string a) {
    return a.length();
int f( int b, int c) {
    return b * c + b + c + 1;
int f(bool b) {
    return b?1:-1;
 1. {{{#!cplusplus
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Z {
    Z(int i) : id(i) { cout << id << " created" << endl; }
    ~Z() { cout << id << " destroyed" << endl; }
    Z(Z &z) : id(z.id) { cout << id << " created a copy" << endl; }
    int id;
Z z(0);
int main() {
    cout << "main start" << endl;
    Z z1(1);
    Z z2(2);
    Z *z3 = new Z(3);
    Z z4(z1);
 1. {{{#!cplusplus
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class X {
    X(int a) : x(a) { cout << "create X:" << x << endl; }
    ~X() { cout << "destroy X:"<< x << endl; }
    int x;
class Y : public X{
    Y() : x(1), X(2) { cout << "create Y" << endl; }
    ~Y() { cout << "destroy Y" << endl; }
    X x;

int main() {
    X x(5);
    Y y;
 1. {{{#!cplusplus
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class B{
    virtual void f() { cout << "B::f() "; }
    void g() { cout << "B::g() "; }
    virtual void h() { f(); }
class D : public B {
    void f() { cout << "D::f() "; }
    void g() { cout << "D::g() "; }
int main() {
    B b;
    b.f(); b.g(); b.h();
    cout << endl;
    B *p = &b;
    p->f(); p->g(); p->h();
    cout << endl;
    B *p = new D;
    p->f(); p->g(); p->h();
    cout << endl;
    B &r = *p;
    r.f(); r.g(); r.h();
    cout << endl;
    delete p;
 1. {{{#!cplusplus
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class B{
    B () { cout << "create B" << endl; }
    virtual ~B() { cout << "destroy B" << endl; }
    virtual void f() { cout << "B::f()" << endl; }
    virtual void f(int a) { cout << "B::f(int)" << endl; }
class D : public B {
    D() { cout << "create D" << endl; }
    virtual ~D() { cout << "destroy D" << endl; }
    virtual void f() { cout << "D::f()" << endl; }
    virtual void f(bool a) { cout << "D::f(bool)" << endl; }
int main() {
    B *p = new B;
    delete p;
    p = new D;
    delete p;
    D *d = new D;
    delete d;
 1. {{{#!cplusplus
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class D {
    D() { cout << "D created" << endl; }
    D(D&) { cout << "D created a copy" << endl; }
    ~D() { cout << "D destroyed" << endl; }
    D& operator=(D&) { cout << "D assigned" << endl; return *this; }
    void operator++() { cout << "operator++" << endl; }
    void operator++(int) { cout << "operator++ with int" << endl; }
int main() {
    D d1;
    D d2(d1);
    d1 = d2;
行号 60: 行号 318:
 1. 实现字符串类string,声明如下
class string {
 string(const char *str = ""); // 普通构造函数
 string(const string &other); // 拷贝构造函数
 ~string(); // 析构函数
 string & operator = (const string &other); // 赋值函数
    bool operator==(const string &s);
    bool operator!=(const string &s);
    bool operator<(const string &s);
    bool operator>(const string &s);
    bool operator<=(const string &s);
    bool operator>=(const string &s);
    string operator +(const string &s); //连接
    string operator +=(const string &s);
    int length() const;
    bool empty() const;
 char* c_str() { return m_data; }
 char *m_data; // 用于保存字符串
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const string &s);
istream &operator>>(istream &is, string &s);
 1. 实现完整的复数运算,复数类的声明如下:
class complex {
    complex(double r = 0.0, double i= 0.0);
    complex operator+();
    complex operator-();
    complex operator+=(complex);
    complex operator-=(complex);
    complex operator*=(complex);
    bool operator!(); //非0返回假,0返回真
    double abs(); //取模
    double arg(); //取角度
    complex conj(); //共轭
    double &real(); //实部
    double &imag(); //虚部
    double real_, imag_;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, complex);
istream &operator>>(istream &is, complex &);
complex operator+(complex a, complex b);
complex operator*(complex a, complex b);
complex operator-(complex a, complex b);
complex operator==(complex a, complex b);
complex operator!=(complex a, complex b);
 1. 实现Stack类,提供push(把一个元素放入栈中),pop(把栈中最后一个元素删去),top(取栈中最后一个元素)。请实现Stack类,使其能够得到正确的运行结果。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
    Stack s1(5);
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) s1.push(i);
    Stack s2(s1);
    while(s1.size() > 0) {
        cout << s1.top() << endl;
    s1 = s2;
    for(int i = 3; i < 5; i++) s1.push(i);
    while(s1.size() > 0) {
        cout << s1.top() << endl;
 1. 实现队列Queue类,提供enqueue(把一个元素放在队列的末尾中),dequeue(把队列中第一个元素删去),front(取队列中第一个元素的值),back(取队列最后一个元素的值)。请实现Queue类,使其能够得到正确的运行结果。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
    Queue s1(5);
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) s1.enqueue(i);
    Queue s2(s1);
    while(s1.size() > 0) {
        cout << s1.front() << endl;
    s1 = s2;
    for(int i = 3; i < 5; i++) s1.enqueue(i);
    while(s1.size() > 0) {
        cout << s1.front() << endl;
 1. 财务软件
class Account {
    Account(string name, int type, double amount);
    string &name();
    int &type();
    double &amount();
    string name_;
    int type_;
    double amount_;
class AccountList {
    AccountList(int capacity);
    void AddAccount(Account account);
    void RemoveAccount(string name);
    int Find(string name);
    Account &At(int i);
    int capacity_;
    int size_;
    Account *accounts;
 1. 学校的人事关系
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
    Person *p[4];
    p[0] = new Person("jack");
    p[1] = new Student("rose", "12345");
    p[2] = new Teacher("czk", "lecturer");
    p[3] = new Assistant("oldbig", "23456", "assistant");
    for(int i= 0; i < 4; i++) {
        p[i] -> print();
        cout << endl;
 1. 编写Clock类
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "clock.h"
int main() {
    Clock c1 ( 8, 8, 8 ); //8点8分8秒
    Clock c2 ( 8, 8 ); //8点8分0秒
    Clock c3 ( 8 ); // 8点整
    cout << c3++ << endl;
    cout << ++c3 << endl;
    cout << c1-- << endl;
    cout << --c1 << endl;
    cout << c1 - c2 << endl;
    cout << c2 + 8 << endl;
    return 0;
 1. 编写一个计算各种图形面积的程序。
下列shape类是一个表示图形的抽象类,area( )为求图形面积的函数,total( )则是一个通用的用以求不同形状的图形面积总和的函数。请从shape类派生三角形类(triangle)、矩形类(rectangle)、圆形类(circle),并给出具体的求面积函数,使以下程序能够运行并得到正确结果。每个类都写在不同的文件里面,类的成员函数的定义写在类的声明里面。
  #include <iostream>
  using namespace std;
  #include "shape.h"
  #include "triangle.h"
  #include "circle.h"
  #include "rectangle.h"
  double total(shape *s[ ],int n) {
      double sum = 0.0;
   for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
       sum += s[i]->getarea();
      return sum;
  int main() {
      shape *shapes[3];
      shapes[0] = new circle(3.0); //半径3.0
      shapes[1] = new rectangle(2.0, 3.0); //长和宽分别为2.0和3.0
      shapes[2] = new triangle(2.0, 3.0, 3.14159/2.0);
      cout << total(shapes, 3) << endl; //输出这三个图形的面积总和
      return 0;


  1.    1 #include <stdlib.h>
       2 int main() {
       3     const int size;
       4     size = 10;
       5     int a[size];
       6     int *p1 = new int[size];
       7     int *p2 = malloc(sizeof(int)* size);
       8     int *p3 = new int(size);
       9     for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      10         a[i] = i;
      11         p1[i] = a[i] * i;
      12         p2[i] = p1[i] * i;
      13         p3[i] = p2[i] * i;
      14     }
      15     int sum;
      16     for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
      17         sum += a[i] + p1[i] + p2[i] + p3[i];
      18     cout << sum;
      19     delete p1;
      20     delete [] p2;
      21     delete p3;
      22 }
  2.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 using namespace std;
       3 class N {
       4     static int n = 0;
       5     int i;
       6 public:
       7     void N() : i(0) { }
       8     void N(int a = 0) : i (a) { }
       9     void N(int a = 0, int b) : i(a), n(b) { }
      10     int get() const { return i++; }
      11     void set(int a) { i = a;}
      12     void print() const { cout << get() << endl;}
      13     static int getn() const { return n; }
      14     static void setn(int a) { n = a; i++; }  
      15 }
      16 int main() {
      17     cout << N::n << endl;
      18     cout << N::getn() << endl;
      19     cout << get() << endl;
      20     cout << N::get() << endl;
      21     cout << N::setn(10) << endl;
      22     N *p = new N(5);
      23     N n();
      24     n.set(10);
      25     n.setn(11);
      26     p.set(5);
      27     delete p;
      28 }
  3.    1 #include <string>
       2 #include <iostream>
       3 using namespace std;
       4 class S {
       5 public:
       6     S(int a0) { cout << a0 << endl; }
       7     S(double a0, int b0) : d(a0), b(b0){ cout << a0 << b0 << endl; }
       8     S(char *p0) : d(a), b(2) { cout << p << endl;} 
       9     S(int &a0) : a(0), b(1), c("abc"), d(r), p(new int) { }
      10 private:
      11     int a;
      12     const int b;
      13     string c;
      14     int &d;
      15     int *p;
      16 };
      17 int main() {
      18     S a(1);
      19     S b;
      20     S c(0.0, 1);
      21     S d("hello");
      22     S e(true);
      23     S f(a);
      24     e = a;
      25 }
  4.    1 #include <string>
       2 #include <iostream>
       3 using namespace std;
       4 class Person{
       5 public:
       6     Person(string name) : name_ (name) { }
       7     virtual void print() const = 0 { cout << name_; }
       8     virtual bool compare(Person p) const { return p.name_ == name_; }
       9 protected:
      10     string name_;
      11 };
      12 class Student : public Person {
      13     Student(string name, string id) { name_ = name; id_ = id; }
      14     Student(Person p, string id) { name_ = p.name_; id_ = id;}
      15     bool compare(Student s) const { return s.name_==name_ && s.id_ == id_; }
      16     void print() { cout << name_ << id_ << endl; }
      17 private:
      18     string id_;
      19 };
      21 int main() {
      22     Person p("Mike");
      23     Student s("jack", "12345");
      24     Student t(p, "23424");
      25     cout << s.compare(t);
      26     cout << p.compare(t);
      27     cout << s.compare(p);
      28     s.print();
      29     s.Person::print();
      30 }
  5.    1 class Integer{
       2 public:
       3     Integer(int a = 0) : i(a) {}
       4     Integer operator+(int a, int b) { return a + b;}
       5     Integer operator-() { return -i; }
       6     Integer operator+() { return i; }
       7     Integer operator++() { return ++i; }
       8     Integer operator++(int) { return i++; }
       9     bool operator<>(int a) { return i != a; }
      10 private:
      11     int i;
      12 };
      13 void operator>>(ostream &os, Integer i) {
      14     os << i;
      15 }
      16 istream & operator<<(istream &is, Integer i) {
      17     is >> i.i;
      18     return is;
      19 } 
      20 Integer operator-(Integer a, Integer b) {
      21     return a.i - b.i;
      22 }
      23 int main() {
      24     Integer i(-1);
      25     Integer j;
      26     cin >> j;
      27     i = -i;
      28     i = i - j;
      29     i = i + 10;
      30     cout << i;
      31 }


  1.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 using namespace std;
       3 int inc( int &a) {
       4     return ++a;
       5 }
       6 int dec( int a) {
       7     return --a;
       8 }
       9 int main() {
      10     int b = 10;
      11     cout << inc(b) << endl;
      12     cout << dec(b) << endl;
      13     cout << inc(b) << endl;
      14 }
  2.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 #include <string>
       3 using namespace std;
       4 int f( string a );
       5 int f( int b , int c = 1);
       6 int f( bool b);
       7 int main() {
       8     string s = "";
       9     cout << f(s) << endl;
      10     cout << f('\060') << endl;
      11     cout << f(1, 2) << endl;
      12     cout << f(false) << endl;
      13     cout << f(0) << endl;
      14 }
      15 int f( string a) {
      16     return a.length();
      17 }
      18 int f( int b, int c) {
      19     return b * c + b + c + 1;
      20 }
      21 int f(bool b) {
      22     return b?1:-1;
      23 }
  3.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 using namespace std;
       3 class Z {
       4 public:
       5     Z(int i) : id(i) { cout << id << " created" << endl; }
       6     ~Z() { cout << id << " destroyed" << endl; }
       7     Z(Z &z) : id(z.id) { cout << id << " created a copy" << endl; }
       8 private:
       9     int id;
      10 };
      11 Z z(0);
      12 int main() {
      13     cout << "main start" << endl;
      14     Z z1(1);
      15     Z z2(2);
      16     Z *z3 = new Z(3);
      17     Z z4(z1); 
      18 }
  4.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 using namespace std;
       3 class X {
       4 public: 
       5     X(int a) : x(a) { cout << "create X:" << x << endl; }
       6     ~X() { cout << "destroy X:"<< x << endl; }
       7 private:
       8     int x;
       9 };
      10 class Y : public X{
      11 public:
      12     Y() : x(1), X(2) { cout << "create Y" << endl; }
      13     ~Y() { cout << "destroy Y" << endl; }
      14 private:
      15     X x;
      16 };
      18 int main() {
      19     X x(5);
      20     Y  y;
      21 }
  5.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 using namespace std;
       3 class B{
       4 public:
       5     virtual void f() { cout << "B::f() "; }
       6     void g() { cout << "B::g() "; }
       7     virtual void h() { f(); }    
       8 };
       9 class D : public B {
      10 public:
      11     void f() { cout << "D::f() "; }
      12     void g() { cout << "D::g() "; }
      13 };
      14 int main() {
      15     B b;
      16     b.f(); b.g(); b.h();
      17     cout << endl;
      18     B *p = &b;
      19     p->f(); p->g(); p->h();
      20     cout << endl;
      21     B *p = new D;
      22     p->f(); p->g(); p->h();
      23     cout << endl;
      24     B &r = *p;
      25     r.f(); r.g(); r.h();
      26     cout << endl;
      27     delete p;
      28 }
  6.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 using namespace std;
       3 class B{
       4 public:
       5     B () { cout << "create B" << endl; }
       6     virtual ~B() { cout << "destroy B" << endl; }
       7     virtual void f() { cout << "B::f()" << endl; }
       8     virtual void f(int a) { cout << "B::f(int)" << endl; }
       9 };
      10 class D : public B {
      11 public:
      12     D() { cout << "create D" << endl; }
      13     virtual ~D() { cout << "destroy  D" << endl; }
      14     virtual void f() { cout << "D::f()" << endl; }
      15     virtual void f(bool a) { cout << "D::f(bool)" << endl; }
      16 };
      17 int main() {
      18     B *p = new B;
      19     p->f();
      20     p->f(0);
      21     delete p;
      22     p = new D;
      23     p->f();
      24     p->f(0);
      25     delete p;
      26     D *d = new D;
      27     d->f();
      28     d->f(0);
      29     delete d;
      30 }
  7.    1 #include <iostream>
       2 using namespace std;
       3 class D {
       4 public:
       5     D() { cout << "D created" << endl; }
       6     D(D&) { cout << "D created a copy" << endl; }
       7     ~D() { cout << "D destroyed" << endl; }
       8     D& operator=(D&) { cout << "D assigned" << endl; return *this; }
       9     void operator++() { cout << "operator++" << endl; }
      10     void operator++(int) { cout << "operator++ with int" << endl; }
      11 };
      12 int main() {
      13     D d1;
      14     D d2(d1);
      15     d1 = d2;
      16     ++d1;
      17     d2++;
      18 }



  1. 实现字符串类string,声明如下

   1 class string {
   2 public:
   3         string(const char *str = "");           // 普通构造函数
   4         string(const string &other);            // 拷贝构造函数
   5         ~string();                                          // 析构函数
   6         string & operator = (const string &other);      // 赋值函数
   7     bool operator==(const string &s);
   8     bool operator!=(const string &s);
   9     bool operator<(const string &s);
  10     bool operator>(const string &s);
  11     bool operator<=(const string &s);
  12     bool operator>=(const string &s);
  13     string operator +(const string &s); //连接
  14     string operator +=(const string &s);
  15     int length() const;
  16     bool empty() const;
  17         char* c_str()   { return m_data; }
  18 private:
  19         char *m_data;                               // 用于保存字符串
  20 };
  21 ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const string &s);
  22 istream &operator>>(istream &is, string &s);
  1. 实现完整的复数运算,复数类的声明如下:

   1 class complex {
   2 public:
   3     complex(double r = 0.0, double i= 0.0);
   4     complex operator+();
   5     complex operator-();
   6     complex operator+=(complex);
   7     complex operator-=(complex);
   8     complex operator*=(complex);
   9     bool operator!(); //非0返回假,0返回真
  10     double abs(); //取模
  11     double arg(); //取角度
  12     complex conj(); //共轭
  13     double &real(); //实部
  14     double &imag(); //虚部
  15 private:
  16     double real_, imag_;
  17 };
  18 ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, complex);
  19 istream &operator>>(istream &is, complex &);
  20 complex operator+(complex a, complex b);
  21 complex operator*(complex a, complex b);
  22 complex operator-(complex a, complex b);
  23 complex operator==(complex a, complex b);
  24 complex operator!=(complex a, complex b);
  1. 实现Stack类,提供push(把一个元素放入栈中),pop(把栈中最后一个元素删去),top(取栈中最后一个元素)。请实现Stack类,使其能够得到正确的运行结果。

   1 #include <iostream>
   2 using namespace std;
   3 int main() {
   4     Stack s1(5);
   5     for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) s1.push(i);
   6     Stack s2(s1);
   7     while(s1.size() > 0) {
   8         cout << s1.top() << endl;
   9         s1.pop();
  10     }
  11     s1 = s2;
  12     for(int i = 3; i < 5; i++) s1.push(i);
  13     while(s1.size() > 0) {
  14         cout << s1.top() << endl;
  15         s1.pop();
  16     }
  17 }
  1. 实现队列Queue类,提供enqueue(把一个元素放在队列的末尾中),dequeue(把队列中第一个元素删去),front(取队列中第一个元素的值),back(取队列最后一个元素的值)。请实现Queue类,使其能够得到正确的运行结果。

   1 #include <iostream>
   2 using namespace std;
   3 int main() {
   4     Queue s1(5);
   5     for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) s1.enqueue(i);
   6     Queue s2(s1);
   7     while(s1.size() > 0) {
   8         cout << s1.front() << endl;
   9         s1.dequeue();
  10     }
  11     s1 = s2;
  12     for(int i = 3; i < 5; i++) s1.enqueue(i);
  13     while(s1.size() > 0) {
  14         cout << s1.front() << endl;
  15         s1.dequeue();
  16     }
  17 }
  1. 财务软件


   1 class Account {
   2 public:
   3     Account(string name, int type, double amount);
   4     string &name();
   5     int &type();
   6     double &amount();
   7 private:
   8     string name_;
   9     int type_;
  10     double amount_;
  11 };
  12 class AccountList {
  13 public:
  14     AccountList(int capacity);
  15     void AddAccount(Account account);
  16     void RemoveAccount(string name);
  17     int Find(string name);
  18     Account &At(int i);
  19 private:
  20     int capacity_;
  21     int size_;
  22     Account *accounts;
  23 };
  1. 学校的人事关系


   1 #include <iostream>
   2 #include <string>
   3 using namespace std;
   4 int main() {
   5     Person *p[4];
   6     p[0] = new Person("jack");
   7     p[1] = new Student("rose", "12345");
   8     p[2] = new Teacher("czk", "lecturer");
   9     p[3] = new Assistant("oldbig", "23456", "assistant");
  10     for(int i= 0; i < 4; i++) {
  11         p[i] -> print();
  12         cout << endl;
  13     }
  14 }
  1. 编写Clock类

编写一个时钟类Clock,并实现运算符++(时间增加1秒),--(时间减1秒),-(计算两个时间差多少秒),+(计算过一定秒数以后的新时间,秒数一定大于0),Clock类的声明写在clock.h中,Clock类成员函数的定义写在clock.cpp中。 main.cpp:

   1 #include <iostream>
   2 using namespace std;
   3 #include "clock.h"
   4 int main() {
   5     Clock c1 ( 8, 8, 8 ); //8点8分8秒
   6     Clock c2 ( 8, 8 ); //8点8分0秒
   7     Clock c3 ( 8 );  // 8点整
   8     cout  << c3++ << endl;
   9     cout <<  ++c3 << endl;
  10     cout << c1-- << endl;
  11     cout << --c1 << endl;
  12     cout << c1 - c2 << endl;
  13     cout << c2 + 8 << endl;
  14     return 0;
  15 }
  1. 编写一个计算各种图形面积的程序。

下列shape类是一个表示图形的抽象类,area( )为求图形面积的函数,total( )则是一个通用的用以求不同形状的图形面积总和的函数。请从shape类派生三角形类(triangle)、矩形类(rectangle)、圆形类(circle),并给出具体的求面积函数,使以下程序能够运行并得到正确结果。每个类都写在不同的文件里面,类的成员函数的定义写在类的声明里面。 main.cpp的内容:

   1   #include <iostream>
   2   using namespace std;
   3   #include "shape.h"
   4   #include "triangle.h"
   5   #include "circle.h"
   6   #include "rectangle.h"
   8   double total(shape *s[ ],int n) {
   9       double sum = 0.0;
  10           for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
  11               sum += s[i]->getarea();
  12       return sum;
  13   }
  14   int main() {
  15       shape *shapes[3];
  16       shapes[0] = new circle(3.0); //半径3.0
  17       shapes[1] = new rectangle(2.0, 3.0); //长和宽分别为2.0和3.0
  18       shapes[2] = new triangle(2.0, 3.0, 3.14159/2.0); 
  19       //三角形两边长分别为2.0和3.0,这两边的夹角的弧度为3.14159/2.0
  20       cout << total(shapes, 3) << endl; //输出这三个图形的面积总和
  21       return 0;
  22   }

C++练习 (2008-06-27 10:53:51由218编辑)

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