版本19和71间的区别 (跳过第52版)
于2006-04-15 13:29:52修订的的版本19
大小: 7762
编辑: czk
于2006-04-22 14:26:06修订的的版本71
大小: 2751
编辑: czk
删除的内容标记成这样。 加入的内容标记成这样。
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zju online judge的常见问题 ||<tablewidth="100%" #FFFFA0> [[RandomQuote(程序设计竞赛Quotes)]]||
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出自 http://acm.zju.edu.cn/faq.php  * ["程序设计竞赛Quotes"]
 * ["zju online judge的常见问题"]
 * ["程序设计竞赛相关网站"]
 * ["程序设计竞赛参考资料"]
行号 5: 行号 10:
Q:What is the compiler the judge is using and what are the compiler options?
A:The online judge system is running on Redhat Linux. We are using GNU GCC/G++ for C/C++ compile and GPC/Free Pascal for pascal compile.

Q:What is the meaning of the judge's reply XXXXX?
A:Here is a list of the judge's replies and their meaning:

Queuing : The judge is so busy that it can't judge your submit at the moment, usualy you just need to wait a minute and your submit will be judged.

Accepted : OK! Your program is correct!.

Presentation Error : Your output format is not exactly the same as the judge's output, although your answer to the problem is correct. Check your output for spaces, blank lines,etc against the problem output specification.

Wrong Answer : Correct solution not reached for the inputs. The inputs and outputs that we use to test the programs are not public (it is recomendable to get accustomed to a true contest dynamic ;-).

Runtime Error : Your program failed during the execution (segmentation fault, floating point exception...). The exact cause is reported to the user.

Time Limit Exceeded : Your program tried to run during too much time.

Memory Limit Exceeded : Your program tried to use more memory than the judge default settings.

Output Limit Exceeded: Your program tried to write too much information. This usually occurs if it goes into a infinite loop. Currently the output limit is 1M bytes.

Compile Error : The compiler (gcc/g++/gpc) could not compile your ANSI program. Of course, warning messages are not error messages. Click the link at the judge reply to see the actual error message.

Out Of Contest Time: this message can only appear during a contest, if a program is submitted out of contest time.

No such problem: Either you have submitted a wrong problem id or the problem is unavailable.

Restricted Function: Your program tried to call restricted functions. For example, maybe you have tried to open a file which is forbidden on ZOJ.

Q:Why did I get a Compile Error? It's well done!
A:There are some differences between GNU and MS-VC++, such as:
    * main must be declared as int, void main will end up with a Compile Error.
    * i is out of definition after block "for(int i=0...){...}"
    * itoa is not an ANSI function.
    * __int64 of VC is not ANSI, but you can use long long for 64-bit integer.

Q:What does SIGSEGV in Runtime Error stand for?
A:The following messages will not be shown to you in contest. Here we just provide some tips:
SIGSEGV --- Segment Fault. The possible cases of your encountering this error are:

    * 1.buffer overflow --- usually caused by a pointer reference out of range.
    * 2.stack overflow --- please keep in mind that the default stack size is 8192K.
    * 3.illegal file access --- file operations are forbidden on our judge system.

SIGFPE --- Divided by 0
SIGBUS --- Hardware Error. //please contact us
SIGABRT --- Programme aborted before it should be finished.
man 7 signal under Linux for more information

Q:Where is the input and the output?
A:Your program shall read input from stdin('Standard Input') and write output to stdout('Standard Output').For example,you can use 'scanf' in C or 'cin' in C++ to read from stdin,and use 'printf' in C or 'cout' in C++ to write to stdout.
User programs are not allowed to open and read from/write to files, you will get a "Runtime Error" if you try to do so.
Here is a sample solution for problem 1001 using C++:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int a,b;
    while(cin >> a >> b)
        cout << a+b << endl;

Here is a sample solution for problem 1001 using C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int a,b;
    while(scanf("%d %d",&a, &b) != EOF)



 1. 很多题目都是英文的,这是和国际ACM大学生程序设计竞赛接轨的。所以首先要学会看懂题目。
 1. 很多题目都有在线判题系统(Online Judge)。将你所做的程序,在对应的判题系统中提交以后,系统会自动给出结果。结果有几类:Accepted(正确),Compile Error(编译错误),Runtime Error(运行时错误),Wrong Answer(答案错误),Time Limit Exceed(超时),Memory Limit Exceed(超过内存)等。
 1. 每个题目的输入输出都有严格的要求,如果不符合要求,将会被认为是错误(Wrong Answer)的。
 1. 每个题目都有严格的时间和空间要求。在线判题系统会用很多苛刻的输入来测试程序,你的程序要在所有测试数据中都能够按时完成才能够获得成功(Accepted)。
 1. 在线判题系统要求提交的程序使用Ansi/ISO标准书写,所以不标准的语法将会得到Compile Error,比如:void main(){}。


 * ["程序设计练习01——timus1209——1, 10, 100, 1000..."]
 * ["程序设计练习02——timus1180——A Stone Game"]
 * ["程序设计练习03——timus1098——Questions"]
 * ["程序设计练习04——timus1005——Stone Pile"]
 * ["程序设计练习05——timus1028——Stars"]
 * ["程序设计练习06——timus1302——Delta-wave"]
 * ["程序设计练习07——timus1068——Sum"]
 * ["程序设计练习08——timus1313——Some words about sport"]
 * ["程序设计练习09——timus1084——A goat in a kitchen garden"]
 * ["程序设计练习10——zju2290——Game"]
 * ["程序设计练习11——zju1954——Bee Maja"]
 * ["程序设计练习12——zju2329——AB Circle"]
 * ["程序设计练习13——zju2305——C Looooops"]
 * ["程序设计练习14——zju2104——Let the Balloon Rise"]
 * ["程序设计练习15——zju2108——Elevator"]
 * ["程序设计练习16——zju2109——FatMouse' Trade"]
 * ["程序设计练习17——zju1002——Fire Net"]
 * ["程序设计练习18——zju1003——Crashing Balloon"]
 * ["程序设计练习19——zju1094——Matrix Chain Multiplication"]
 * ["程序设计练习20——zju2105——Number Sequence"]
 * ["程序设计练习21——zju2107——Quoit Design"]
 * ["程序设计练习22——zju2110——Tempter of the Bone"]
 * ["程序设计练习23——zju2106——Tick and Tick"]
 * ["程序设计练习24——zju2111——Starship Troopers"]
 * ["程序设计练习25——timus1220——Stacks"]
 * ["程序设计练习26——zju2481——Unique Ascending Array"]
 * ["程序设计练习27——zju2478——Encoding"]
 * ["程序设计练习28——zju2480——Simplest Task in Windows"]
 * ["程序设计练习29——zju2475——Benny's Compiler"]
 * ["程序设计练习30——zju2476——Total Amount"]
 * ["程序设计练习31——zju1006——Do the Untwist"]
 * ["程序设计练习32——zju2481——Unique Ascending Array"]
 * ["程序设计练习33——zju1347——Determine the Price"]
 * ["程序设计练习34——zju2727——List the Books"]
 * ["zju1001"] A + B Problem (AC)
 * ["zju1002"] Fire Net (AC)
 * ["zju1003"] Crashing Balloon
 * ["zju1006"] Do the Untwist (AC)
 * ["zju1094"] Matrix Chain Multiplication
 * ["zju1099"] HTML
 * ["zju1108"] FatMouse's Speed
 * ["zju1113"] u Calculate e (AC)
 * ["zju1119"] SPF
 * ["zju1168"] Function Run Fun (AC)
 * ["zju1171"] Sorting the Photos (AC)
 * ["zju1235"] DDR King
 * ["zju1239"] Hanoi Tower Troubles Again!
 * ["zju1347"] Determine the Price
 * ["zju1394"] Polar Explorer
 * ["zju1575"] Koch Curve (AC)
 * ["zju1798"] Granny's Bike
 * ["zju1904"] Beavergnaw
 * ["zju1949"] Error Correction
 * ["zju1954"] Bee Maja (AC)
 * ["zju2104"] Let the Balloon Rise (AC)
 * ["zju2105"] Number Sequence
 * ["zju2106"] Tick and Tick
 * ["zju2107"] Quoit Design
 * ["zju2108"] Elevator (AC)
 * ["zju2109"] FatMouse' Trade (AC)
 * ["zju2110"] Tempter of the Bone
 * ["zju2111"] Starship Troopers
 * ["zju2290"] Game (AC)
 * ["zju2305"] C Looooops
 * ["zju2329"] AB Circle (AC)
 * ["zju2391"] Link and Pop -- the Block Game
 * ["zju2475"] Benny's Compiler (AC)
 * ["zju2476"] Total Amount
 * ["zju2478"] Encoding
 * ["zju2480"] Simplest Task in Windows
 * ["zju2481"] Unique Ascending Array
 * ["zju2535"] Ancient Relics
 * ["zju2536"] Best Balance
 * ["zju2537"] Collect More Jewels
 * ["zju2538"] Dimensional Lookup
 * ["zju2539"] Energy Minimization
 * ["zju2540"] Form a Square
 * ["zju2541"] Goods Transportation (TL)
 * ["zju2542"] Html Link Resolver
 * ["zju2543"] Image Deskew
 * ["zju2722"] Head-to-Head Match (AC)
 * ["zju2723"] Semi-Prime (AC)
 * ["zju2724"] Windows Message Queue (AC)
 * ["zju2725"] Digital Deletions
 * ["zju2726"] Constellation
 * ["zju2727"] List the Books (AC)
 * ["timus1005"] Stone Pile (AC)
 * ["timus1009"] K-Based Numbers
 * ["timus1012"] K-Based Numbers. Version 2
 * ["timus1028"] Stars (AC)
 * ["timus1052"] Rabbit hunt
 * ["timus1068"] Sum (AC)
 * ["timus1084"] A goat in a kitchen garden (AC)
 * ["timus1098"] Questions (AC)
 * ["timus1106"] Two Teams
 * ["timus1110"] Power
 * ["timus1180"] A Stone Game (AC)
 * ["timus1200"] Horns and Hoofs
 * ["timus1206"] Sum of digits
 * ["timus1209"] 1, 10, 100, 1000... (AC)
 * ["timus1220"] Stacks
 * ["timus1225"] Flags
 * ["timus1302"] Delta-wave
 * ["timus1313"] Some words about sport
 * ["timus1385"] Interesting Number


  • ["程序设计竞赛Quotes"]
  • ["zju online judge的常见问题"]
  • ["程序设计竞赛相关网站"]
  • ["程序设计竞赛参考资料"]


  • ["zju1001"] A + B Problem (AC)
  • ["zju1002"] Fire Net (AC)
  • ["zju1003"] Crashing Balloon
  • ["zju1006"] Do the Untwist (AC)
  • ["zju1094"] Matrix Chain Multiplication
  • ["zju1099"] HTML
  • ["zju1108"] FatMouse's Speed

  • ["zju1113"] u Calculate e (AC)
  • ["zju1119"] SPF
  • ["zju1168"] Function Run Fun (AC)
  • ["zju1171"] Sorting the Photos (AC)
  • ["zju1235"] DDR King
  • ["zju1239"] Hanoi Tower Troubles Again!
  • ["zju1347"] Determine the Price
  • ["zju1394"] Polar Explorer

  • ["zju1575"] Koch Curve (AC)
  • ["zju1798"] Granny's Bike
  • ["zju1904"] Beavergnaw
  • ["zju1949"] Error Correction
  • ["zju1954"] Bee Maja (AC)

  • ["zju2104"] Let the Balloon Rise (AC)
  • ["zju2105"] Number Sequence
  • ["zju2106"] Tick and Tick
  • ["zju2107"] Quoit Design
  • ["zju2108"] Elevator (AC)
  • ["zju2109"] FatMouse' Trade (AC)

  • ["zju2110"] Tempter of the Bone
  • ["zju2111"] Starship Troopers
  • ["zju2290"] Game (AC)
  • ["zju2305"] C Looooops
  • ["zju2329"] AB Circle (AC)
  • ["zju2391"] Link and Pop -- the Block Game
  • ["zju2475"] Benny's Compiler (AC)
  • ["zju2476"] Total Amount
  • ["zju2478"] Encoding
  • ["zju2480"] Simplest Task in Windows
  • ["zju2481"] Unique Ascending Array

  • ["zju2535"] Ancient Relics
  • ["zju2536"] Best Balance
  • ["zju2537"] Collect More Jewels
  • ["zju2538"] Dimensional Lookup
  • ["zju2539"] Energy Minimization
  • ["zju2540"] Form a Square
  • ["zju2541"] Goods Transportation (TL)
  • ["zju2542"] Html Link Resolver
  • ["zju2543"] Image Deskew

  • ["zju2722"] Head-to-Head Match (AC)
  • ["zju2723"] Semi-Prime (AC)
  • ["zju2724"] Windows Message Queue (AC)
  • ["zju2725"] Digital Deletions
  • ["zju2726"] Constellation
  • ["zju2727"] List the Books (AC)

  • ["timus1005"] Stone Pile (AC)
  • ["timus1009"] K-Based Numbers
  • ["timus1012"] K-Based Numbers. Version 2
  • ["timus1028"] Stars (AC)
  • ["timus1052"] Rabbit hunt
  • ["timus1068"] Sum (AC)
  • ["timus1084"] A goat in a kitchen garden (AC)
  • ["timus1098"] Questions (AC)
  • ["timus1106"] Two Teams
  • ["timus1110"] Power
  • ["timus1180"] A Stone Game (AC)
  • ["timus1200"] Horns and Hoofs
  • ["timus1206"] Sum of digits
  • ["timus1209"] 1, 10, 100, 1000... (AC)
  • ["timus1220"] Stacks
  • ["timus1225"] Flags
  • ["timus1302"] Delta-wave
  • ["timus1313"] Some words about sport
  • ["timus1385"] Interesting Number

ICPC (2020-04-14 19:00:50由czk编辑)

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