


调用pygame.Surface可以创建表示图像的新对象。Surface会整个全是黑的。唯一需要指定的参数是大小。如果不指定其他参数,Surface的像素格式会与display Surface的像素格式尽量一致。



Advance users can combine a set of bitmasks with a depth value. The masks are a set of 4 integers representing which bits in a pixel will represent each color. Normal Surfaces should not require the masks argument.

Surfaces can have many extra attributes like alpha planes, colorkeys, source rectangle clipping. These functions mainly effect how the Surface is blitted to other Surfaces. The blit routines will attempt to use hardware acceleratio

There are three types of transparency supported in Pygame: colorkeys, surface alphas, and pixel alphas. Surface alphas can be mixed with colorkeys, but an image with per pixel alphas cannot use the other modes. Colorkey transparency makes a single color value transparent. Any pixels matching the colorkey will not be drawn. The surface alpha value is a single value that changes the transparency for the entire image. A surface alpha of 255 is opaque, and a value of 0 is completely transparent.

Per pixel alphas are different because they store a transparency value for every pixel. This allows for the most precise transparency effects, but it also the slowest. Per pixel alphas cannot be mixed with surface alpha and colorkeys.

There is support for pixel access for the Surfaces. Pixel access on hardware surfaces is slow and not recommended. Pixels can be accessed using the get_at() and set_at() functions. These methods are fine for simple access, but will be considerably slow when doing of pixel work with them. If you plan on doing a lot of pixel level work, it is recommended to use the pygame.surfarray module, which can treat the surfaces like large multidimensional arrays (and it's quite quick).

Any functions that directly access a surface's pixel data will need that surface to be lock()'ed. These functions can lock() and unlock() the surfaces themselves without assistance. But, if a function will be called many times, there will be a lot of overhead for multiple locking and unlocking of the surface. It is best to lock the surface manually before making the function call many times, and then unlocking when you are finished. All functions that need a locked surface will say so in their docs. Remember to leave the Surface locked only while necessary.

Surface pixels are stored internally as a single number that has all the colors encoded into it. Use the Surface.map_rgb - convert a color into a mapped color value and Surface.unmap_rgb - convert a mapped integer color value into a Color to convert between individual red, green, and blue values into a packed integer for that Surface.

Surfaces can also reference sections of other Surfaces. These are created with the Surface.subsurface - create a new surface that references its parent method. Any change to either Surface will effect the other.

Each Surface contains a clipping area. By default the clip area covers the entire Surface. If it is changed, all drawing operations will only effect the smaller area.

1. Surface.blit

2. Surface.convert

3. Surface.copy

4. Surface.fill

5. Surface.set_colorkey

6. Surface.get_at

7. Surface.set_at

8. Surface.set_clip

9. Surface.get_clip

10. Surface.get_size

11. Surface.get_width

12. Surface.get_height


The image module contains functions for loading and saving pictures, as well as transferring Surfaces to formats usable by other packages.

Note that there is no Image class; an image is loaded as a Surface object. The Surface class allows manipulation (drawing lines, setting pixels, capturing regions, etc.).

The image module is a required dependency of Pygame, but it only optionally supports any extended file formats. By default it can only load uncompressed BMP images. When built with full image support, the pygame.image.load - load new image from a file function can support the following formats.

Saving images only supports a limited set of formats. You can save to the following formats.

PNG, JPEG saving new in pygame 1.8.

1. pygame.image.load


3. pygame.image.tostring

4. pygame.image.fromstring


Draw several simple shapes to a Surface. These functions will work for rendering to any format of Surface. Rendering to hardware Surfaces will be slower than regular software Surfaces.

Most of the functions take a width argument to represent the size of stroke around the edge of the shape. If a width of 0 is passed the function will actually solid fill the entire shape.

All the drawing functions respect the clip area for the Surface, and will be constrained to that area. The functions return a rectangle representing the bounding area of changed pixels.

Most of the arguments accept a color argument that is an RGB triplet. These can also accept an RGBA quadruplet. The alpha value will be written directly into the Surface if it contains pixel alphas, but the draw function will not draw transparently. The color argument can also be an integer pixel value that is already mapped to the Surface's pixel format.

These functions must temporarily lock the Surface they are operating on. Many sequential drawing calls can be sped up by locking and unlocking the Surface object around the draw calls.

1. pygame.draw.rect

2. pygame.draw.polygon


4. pygame.draw.ellipse

5. pygame.draw.arc

6. pygame.draw.line

7. pygame.draw.lines

8. pygame.draw.aaline

9. pygame.draw.aalines


The font module allows for rendering TrueType fonts into a new Surface object. This module is optional and requires SDL_ttf as a dependency. You should test that pygame.font is available and initialized before attempting to use the module.

Most of the work done with fonts are done by using the actual Font objects. The module by itself only has routines to initialize the module and create Font objects with pygame.font.Font - create a new Font object from a file.

You can load fonts from the system by using the pygame.font.SysFont - create a Font object from the system fonts function. There are a few other functions to help lookup the system fonts.

Pygame comes with a builtin default font. This can always be accessed by passing None as the font name.

1. pygame.font.init

2. pygame.font.quit

3. pygame.font.get_init

4. pygame.font.get_default_font

5. pygame.font.get_fonts

6. pygame.font.match_font

7. pygame.font.SysFont

8. pygame.font.Font

8.1. Font.render

8.2. Font.size

8.3. Font.set_underline

8.4. Font.get_underline

8.5. Font.set_bold

8.6. Font.get_bold

8.7. Font.set_italic

8.8. Font.get_italic

8.9. Font.get_linesize

8.10. Font.get_height

8.11. Font.get_ascent

8.12. Font.get_descent

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