大小: 5121
大小: 7747
删除的内容标记成这样。 | 加入的内容标记成这样。 |
行号 42: | 行号 42: |
== 把它们结合起来 == 到此时,这两个类看来还很简单。没有比一个简单的列表和一个自己的游戏对象类好多少。但是把Sprite和Group用在一起就能有很大的好处了。一个Sprite可以属于你想要的任意多的group。记住一旦一个Sprite不属于任何一个Group,它通常会被自动清除掉(除非你在Group外存在引用引用了那个Sprite对象) The first big thing is a fast simple way to categorize sprites. For example, say we had a pacman-like game. We could make separate groups for the different types of objects in the game. Ghosts, Pac, and Pellets. When pac eats a power pellet, we can change the state for all ghost objects by effecting everything in the Ghost group. This is quicker and simpler than looping through a list of all the game objects and checking which ones are ghosts. Adding and removing groups and sprites from each other is a very fast operation, quicker than using lists to store everything. Therefore you can very efficiently change group memberships. Groups can be used to work like simple attributes for each game object. Instead of tracking some attribute like "close_to_player" for a bunch of enemy objects, you could add them to a separate group. Then when you need to access all the enemies that are near the player, you already have a list of them, instead of going through a list of all the enemies, checking for the "close_to_player" flag. Later on your game could add multiple players, and instead of adding more "close_to_player2", "close_to_player3" attributes, you can easily add them to different groups for each player. Another important benefit of using the Sprites and Groups, the groups cleanly handle the deleting (or killing) of game objects. In a game where many objects are referencing other objects, sometimes deleting an object can be the hardest part, since it can't go away until it is not referenced by anyone. Say we have an object that is "chasing" another object. The chaser can keep a simple Group that references the object (or objects) it is chasing. If the object being chased happens to be destroyed, we don't need to worry about notifying the chaser to stop chasing. The chaser can see for itself that its group is now empty, and perhaps find a new target. Again, the thing to remember is that adding and removing sprites from groups is a very cheap/fast operation. You may be best off by adding many groups to contain and organize your game objects. Some could even be empty for large portions of the game, there isn't any penalties for managing your game like this. |
Pygame 1.3版本开始有了一个新的模块pygame.sprite。这个模块由python写成,包括一些高级的管理游戏对象的类。充分利用这个模块,可以简化游戏对象的管理和绘制。sprite类是高度优化的,你的游戏如果用sprite模块很可能比不用还要快。
1. 历史知识
2. 类
3. Sprite类
4. Group类
最后,Group类有几个其他方法允许你使用python内置的len函数来获得它包含的Sprite的个数,还有一个bool运算符允许你像"if mygroup:"这样来检查group是否包含sprite。
5. 把它们结合起来
The first big thing is a fast simple way to categorize sprites. For example, say we had a pacman-like game. We could make separate groups for the different types of objects in the game. Ghosts, Pac, and Pellets. When pac eats a power pellet, we can change the state for all ghost objects by effecting everything in the Ghost group. This is quicker and simpler than looping through a list of all the game objects and checking which ones are ghosts.
Adding and removing groups and sprites from each other is a very fast operation, quicker than using lists to store everything. Therefore you can very efficiently change group memberships. Groups can be used to work like simple attributes for each game object. Instead of tracking some attribute like "close_to_player" for a bunch of enemy objects, you could add them to a separate group. Then when you need to access all the enemies that are near the player, you already have a list of them, instead of going through a list of all the enemies, checking for the "close_to_player" flag. Later on your game could add multiple players, and instead of adding more "close_to_player2", "close_to_player3" attributes, you can easily add them to different groups for each player.
Another important benefit of using the Sprites and Groups, the groups cleanly handle the deleting (or killing) of game objects. In a game where many objects are referencing other objects, sometimes deleting an object can be the hardest part, since it can't go away until it is not referenced by anyone. Say we have an object that is "chasing" another object. The chaser can keep a simple Group that references the object (or objects) it is chasing. If the object being chased happens to be destroyed, we don't need to worry about notifying the chaser to stop chasing. The chaser can see for itself that its group is now empty, and perhaps find a new target.
Again, the thing to remember is that adding and removing sprites from groups is a very cheap/fast operation. You may be best off by adding many groups to contain and organize your game objects. Some could even be empty for large portions of the game, there isn't any penalties for managing your game like this.
= The end =