于2009-12-31 00:44:12修订的的版本1
大小: 312
编辑: czk
于2009-12-31 00:45:37修订的的版本2
大小: 670
编辑: czk
删除的内容标记成这样。 加入的内容标记成这样。
行号 20: 行号 20:

def queens (row, col):
    def safe (ran, rst):
        def check (pos):
            return ran != rst[pos] and abs(ran - rst[pos]) != pos + 1
        return all([check(pos) for pos in range(len(rst))])
    return [[]] if col == 0 else [[ran] + rst for ran in range(row) for rst in queens(row, col - 1) if safe(ran, rst)]


   1 def store():
   2     n=raw_input()
   3     sum1=0
   4     for i in range(len(n)):
   5         sum1=sum1 + int(n[i])
   6     t=sum1%3
   7     if(t==0):
   8         print 2
   9     else:
  10         if(t==2):
  11            print 1
  12            print 2
  13         else:
  14            print 1
  15            print 1
  16 store()


   1 def queens (row, col):
   2     def safe (ran, rst):
   3         def check (pos):
   4             return ran != rst[pos] and abs(ran - rst[pos]) != pos + 1
   5         return all([check(pos) for pos in range(len(rst))])
   6     return [[]] if col == 0 else [[ran] + rst for ran in range(row) for rst in queens(row, col - 1) if safe(ran, rst)]

Python代码片段 (2020-03-31 16:55:59由czk编辑)

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