实验目的与要求: * Python运行环境的安装 * 交互式运行Python * Python编辑器安装 * 编辑、运行Python程序 实验步骤: * 在 http://www.python.org/ 上下载python安装程序安装Python * 在 http://www.pygame.org/ 上下载pygame安装程序安装pygame * 运行Python解释器,输入一些Python语句并查看运行结果。比如: {{{ >>> 1+1 >>> 2**10 >>> r = 5 >>> pi = 3.14159 >>> pi*r*r >>> >>> "hello world" >>> print "hello world" >>> "hello " + "world\n" >>> print "hello " + "world\n" >>> >>> x = 54 >>> y = 36 >>> if x>y: print x else: print y >>> >>> while y != 0: y, x = x%y, y >>> print x >>> >>> import sys >>> sys.version >>> sys.platform >>> >>> shoplist = ['apple', 'mango', 'carrot', 'banana'] >>> print 'I have', len(shoplist),'items to purchase.' >>> print 'These items are:', # Notice the comma at end of the line >>> for item in shoplist: >>> print item, >>> print '\nI also have to buy rice.' >>> shoplist.append('rice') >>> print 'My shopping list is now', shoplist >>> print 'I will sort my list now' >>> shoplist.sort() >>> print 'Sorted shopping list is', shoplist >>> print 'The first item I will buy is', shoplist[0] >>> olditem = shoplist[0] >>> del shoplist[0] >>> print 'I bought the', olditem >>> print 'My shopping list is now', shoplist >>> help() >>> help(sys) >>> dir(sys) >>> (Ctrl+d或者ctrl+z) }}} * 下载安装一种Python编辑器,并熟悉它的使用。(比如SPE - Stani's Python Editor, IDLE, DrPython, Eclipse+PyDev, Boa Constructor,Emacs, VIM等) * 运行编辑器,编辑一段Python代码,并运行它。比如 {{{#!python def GCD(x,y): while y != 0: y, x = x%y, y return x print GCD(36, 54) }}} 或者 {{{#!python def buildConnectionString(params): """Build a connection string from a dictionary of parameters. Returns string.""" return ";".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()]) if __name__ == "__main__": myParams = {"server":"mpilgrim", \ "database":"master", \ "uid":"sa", \ "pwd":"secret" \ } print buildConnectionString(myParams) }}} * 在 http://www.pygame.org/projects/6 下载一个Python游戏并运行它。 思考题: * 在一个python语句的最前面或者最后面增加或者减少空格,对程序有没有影响? * 除了在主流的操作系统(Windows, Linux等)上运行Python程序,还可以在什么平台上运行Python程序?尝试一下。