

  1. STL概述

  2. 如何使用STL文档

  3. Containers 容器
    1. Concepts 概念
      1. General concepts 一般概念
        1. Container

        2. Forward Container

        3. Reversible Container

        4. Random Access Container

      2. Sequences
        1. Sequence

        2. Front Insertion Sequence

        3. Back Insertion Sequence

      3. Associative Containers
        1. Associative Container

        2. Simple Associative Container

        3. Pair Associative Container

        4. Sorted Associative Container

        5. Hashed Associative Container

        6. HashFunction

        7. Unique Associative Container

        8. Multiple Associative Container

        9. Unique Sorted Associative Container

        10. Multiple Sorted Associative Container

        11. Unique Hashed Associative Container

        12. Multiple Hashed Associative Container

    2. Container classes 容器类
      1. Sequences
        1. vector

        2. deque

        3. list

        4. slist

        5. bit_vector

      2. Associative Containers
        1. set

        2. map

        3. multiset

        4. multimap

        5. hash_set

        6. hash_map

        7. hash_multiset

        8. hash_multimap

        9. hash

      3. String package
        1. Character Traits

        2. char_traits

        3. basic_string

      4. rope

      5. Container adaptors 容器适配器
        1. stack

        2. queue

        3. priority_queue

      6. bitset

  4. Iterators 迭代子
    1. 迭代子概述

    2. Concepts 概念
      1. Trivial Iterator

      2. Input Iterator

      3. Output Iterator

      4. Forward Iterator

      5. Bidirectional Iterator

      6. Random Access Iterator

    3. Iterator Tags 迭代子Tag
      1. 迭代子Tag概述

      2. iterator_traits

      3. iterator_category

      4. distance_type

      5. value_type

      6. Iterator tag classes
        1. input_iterator_tag

        2. output_iterator_tag

        3. forward_iterator_tag

        4. bidirectional_iterator_tag

        5. random_access_iterator_tag

      7. Iterator base classes
        1. input_iterator

        2. output_iterator

        3. forward_iterator

        4. bidirectional_iterator

        5. random_access_iterator

    4. Iterator functions 迭代子函数
      1. distance

      2. advance

    5. Iterator classes 迭代子类
      1. istream_iterator

      2. ostream_iterator

      3. front_insert_iterator

      4. back_insert_iterator

      5. insert_iterator

      6. reverse_iterator

      7. reverse_bidirectional_iterator

      8. raw_storage_iterator

      9. sequence_buffer

  5. Algorithms 算法
    1. Non-mutating algorithms 非变动性算法
      1. for_each

      2. find

      3. find_if

      4. adjacent_find

      5. find_first_of

      6. count

      7. count_if

      8. mismatch

      9. equal

      10. search

      11. search_n

      12. find_end

    2. Mutating algorithms 变动性算法
      1. copy

      2. copy_n

      3. copy_backward

      4. Swap 交换
        1. swap

        2. iter_swap

        3. swap_ranges

      5. transform

      6. Replace 替换
        1. replace

        2. replace_if

        3. replace_copy

        4. replace_copy_if

      7. fill

      8. fill_n

      9. generate

      10. generate_n

      11. Remove 删除
        1. remove

        2. remove_if

        3. remove_copy

        4. remove_copy_if

      12. unique

      13. unique_copy

      14. reverse

      15. reverse_copy

      16. rotate

      17. rotate_copy

      18. random_shuffle

      19. random_sample

      20. random_sample_n

      21. partition

      22. stable_partition

    3. Sorting 排序
      1. Sort
        1. sort

        2. stable_sort

        3. partial_sort

        4. partial_sort_copy

        5. is_sorted

      2. nth_element

      3. Binary search
        1. lower_bound

        2. upper_bound

        3. equal_range

        4. binary_search

      4. merge

      5. inplace_merge

      6. Set operations on sorted ranges
        1. includes

        2. set_union

        3. set_intersection

        4. set_difference

        5. set_symmetric_difference

      7. Heap operations
        1. push_heap

        2. pop_heap

        3. make_heap

        4. sort_heap

        5. is_heap

      8. Minimum and maximum
        1. min

        2. max

        3. min_element

        4. max_element

      9. lexicographical_compare

      10. lexicographical_compare_3way

      11. next_permutation

      12. prev_permutation

    4. Generalized numeric algorithms 一般数值算法
      1. iota

      2. accumulate

      3. inner_product

      4. partial_sum

      5. adjacent_difference

      6. power

  6. Function Objects 函数对象
    1. 函数对象概述

    2. Concepts 概念
      1. Generator

      2. Unary Function

      3. Binary Function

      4. Adaptable Generator

      5. Adaptable Unary Function

      6. Adaptable Binary Function

      7. Predicates
        1. Predicate

        2. Binary Predicate

        3. Adaptable Predicate

        4. Adaptable Binary Predicate

        5. StrictWeakOrdering

      8. Monoid Operation

      9. Random Number Generator

    3. Predefined function objects 预定义的函数对象
      1. Arithmetic operations
        1. plus

        2. minus

        3. multiplies (以前称作"times")

        4. /divides divides

        5. /modulus modulus

        6. /negate negate

      2. Comparisons
        1. /equal_to equal_to

        2. not_equal_to

        3. less

        4. greater

        5. less_equal

        6. greater_equal

      3. Logical operations
        1. logical_and

        2. logical_or

        3. logical_not

      4. Generalized identity operations
        1. identity

        2. project1st

        3. project2nd

        4. select1st

        5. select2nd

      5. subtractive_rng

    4. Function object adaptors 函数对象适配器
      1. binder1st

      2. binder2nd

      3. ptr_fun

      4. pointer_to_unary_function

      5. pointer_to_binary_function

      6. unary_negate

      7. binary_negate

      8. unary_compose

      9. binary_compose

      10. Member function adaptors
        1. mem_fun

        2. mem_fun_ref

        3. mem_fun1

        4. mem_fun1_ref

  7. Utilities 实用工具
    1. Concepts 概念
      1. Assignable

      2. Default Constructible

      3. Equality Comparable

      4. LessThan Comparable

    2. Functions 函数
      1. Relational Operators

    3. Classes 类
      1. pair

  8. Memory Allocation 内存分配
    1. Classes 类
      1. 内存分配器

      2. raw_storage_iterator

    2. Functions 函数
      1. construct

      2. destroy

      3. uninitialized_copy

      4. uninitialized_copy_n

      5. uninitialized_fill

      6. uninitialized_fill_n

      7. temporary_buffer

      8. get_temporary_buffer

      9. return_temporary_buffer

  9. Design documents 设计文档
    1. Thread safety 线程安全

    2. The meaning of complexity specifications 复杂度说明的含义

    3. Representations of strings 字符串的表示

  10. Categorized Index 分类索引

  11. Full Index 完全索引

  12. Frequently Asked Questions

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Copyright © 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company

STL编程指南 (2008-02-23 15:36:33由localhost编辑)