大小: 8844
大小: 3006
删除的内容标记成这样。 | 加入的内容标记成这样。 |
行号 1: | 行号 1: |
[[Navigation(slides)]] |
行号 35: | 行号 37: |
=== 1.5.3 Line Counting === The next program counts input lines. As we mentioned above, the standard library ensures that an input text stream appears as a sequence of lines, each terminated by a newline. Hence, counting lines is just counting newlines: {{{#!cplusplus #include <stdio.h> /* count lines in input */ main() { int c, nl; nl = 0; while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) if (c == '\n') ++nl; printf("%d\n", nl); } }}} The body of the while now consists of an if, which in turn controls the increment ++nl. The if statement tests the parenthesized condition, and if the condition is true, executes the statement (or group of statements in braces) that follows. We have again indented to show what is controlled by what. The double equals sign == is the C notation for "is equal to" (like Pascal's single = or Fortran's .EQ.). This symbol is used to distinguish the equality test from the single = that C uses for assignment. A word of caution: newcomers to C occasionally write = when they mean ==. As we will see in Chapter 2, the result is usually a legal expression, so you will get no warning. A character written between single quotes represents an integer value equal to the numerical value of the character in the machine's character set. This is called a character constant, although it is just another way to write a small integer. So, for example, 'A' is a character constant; in the ASCII character set its value is 65, the internal representation of the character A. Of course, 'A' is to be preferred over 65: its meaning is obvious, and it is independent of a particular character set. The escape sequences used in string constants are also legal in character constants, so '\n' stands for the value of the newline character, which is 10 in ASCII. You should note carefully that '\n' is a single character, and in expressions is just an integer; on the other hand, '\n' is a string constant that happens to contain only one character. The topic of strings versus characters is discussed further in Chapter 2. Exercise 1-8. Write a program to count blanks, tabs, and newlines. Exercise 1-9. Write a program to copy its input to its output, replacing each string of one or more blanks by a single blank. Exercise 1-10. Write a program to copy its input to its output, replacing each tab by \t, each backspace by \b, and each backslash by \\. This makes tabs and backspaces visible in an unambiguous way. === 1.5.4 Word Counting === The fourth in our series of useful programs counts lines, words, and characters, with the loose definition that a word is any sequence of characters that does not contain a blank, tab or newline. This is a bare-bones version of the UNIX program wc. {{{#!cplusplus #include <stdio.h> #define IN 1 /* inside a word */ #define OUT 0 /* outside a word */ /* count lines, words, and characters in input */ main() { int c, nl, nw, nc, state; state = OUT; nl = nw = nc = 0; while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) { ++nc; if (c == '\n') ++nl; if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c = '\t') state = OUT; else if (state == OUT) { state = IN; ++nw; } } printf("%d %d %d\n", nl, nw, nc); } }}} Every time the program encounters the first character of a word, it counts one more word. The variable state records whether the program is currently in a word or not; initially it is "not in a word", which is assigned the value OUT. We prefer the symbolic constants IN and OUT to the literal values 1 and 0 because they make the program more readable. In a program as tiny as this, it makes little difference, but in larger programs, the increase in clarity is well worth the modest extra effort to write it this way from the beginning. You'll also find that it's easier to make extensive changes in programs where magic numbers appear only as symbolic constants. The line {{{ nl = nw = nc = 0; }}} sets all three variables to zero. This is not a special case, but a consequence of the fact that an assignment is an expression with the value and assignments associated from right to left. It's as if we had written {{{ nl = (nw = (nc = 0)); }}} The operator || means OR, so the line {{{ if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c = '\t') }}} says "if c is a blank or c is a newline or c is a tab". (Recall that the escape sequence \t is a visible representation of the tab character.) There is a corresponding operator && for AND; its precedence is just higher than ||. Expressions connected by && or || are evaluated left to right, and it is guaranteed that evaluation will stop as soon as the truth or falsehood is known. If c is a blank, there is no need to test whether it is a newline or tab, so these tests are not made. This isn't particularly important here, but is significant in more complicated situations, as we will soon see. The example also shows an else, which specifies an alternative action if the condition part of an if statement is false. The general form is {{{#!cplusplus if (expression) statement1 else statement2 }}} One and only one of the two statements associated with an if-else is performed. If the expression is true, statement1 is executed; if not, statement2 is executed. Each statement can be a single statement or several in braces. In the word count program, the one after the else is an if that controls two statements in braces. Exercise 1-11. How would you test the word count program? What kinds of input are most likely to uncover bugs if there are any? Exercise 1-12. Write a program that prints its input one word per line. |
1.5 Character Input and Output 字符输入输出
We are going to consider a family of related programs for processing character data. You will find that many programs are just expanded versions of the prototypes that we discuss here.
The model of input and output supported by the standard library is very simple. Text input or output, regardless of where it originates or where it goes to, is dealt with as streams of characters. A text stream is a sequence of characters divided into lines; each line consists of zero or more characters followed by a newline character. It is the responsibility of the library to make each input or output stream confirm this model; the C programmer using the library need not worry about how lines are represented outside the program.
The standard library provides several functions for reading or writing one character at a time, of which getchar and putchar are the simplest. Each time it is called, getchar reads the next input character from a text stream and returns that as its value. That is, after
c = getchar();
the variable c contains the next character of input. The characters normally come from the keyboard; input from files is discussed in Chapter 7.
c = getchar()
The function putchar prints a character each time it is called:
prints the contents of the integer variable c as a character, usually on the screen. Calls to putchar and printf may be interleaved; the output will appear in the order in which the calls are made.
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