
A.4 Meaning of Identifiers

Identifiers, or names, refer to a variety of things: functions; tags of structures, unions, and enumerations; members of structures or unions; enumeration constants; typedef names; and objects. An object, sometimes called a variable, is a location in storage, and its interpretation depends on two main attributes: its storage class and its type. The storage class determines the lifetime of the storage associated with the identified object; the type determines the meaning of the values found in the identified object. A name also has a scope, which is the region of the program in which it is known, and a linkage, which determines whether the same name in another scope refers to the same object or function. Scope and linkage are discussed in Par.A.11.

TCPL/A.04_Meaning_of_Identifiers (2008-05-22 11:47:21由czk编辑)