A.8.2 Type Specifiers

The type-specifiers are

At most one of the words long or short may be specified together with int; the meaning is the same if int is not mentioned. The word long may be specified together with double. At most one of signed or unsigned may be specified together with int or any of its short or long varieties, or with char. Either may appear alone in which case int is understood. The signed specifier is useful for forcing char objects to carry a sign; it is permissible but redundant with other integral types.

Otherwise, at most one type-specifier may be given in a declaration. If the type-specifier is missing from a declaration, it is taken to be int.

Types may also be qualified, to indicate special properties of the objects being declared.

Type qualifiers may appear with any type specifier. A const object may be initialized, but not thereafter assigned to. There are no implementation-dependent semantics for volatile objects.

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