
A.11.2 Linkage

Within a translation unit, all declarations of the same object or function identifier with internal linkage refer to the same thing, and the object or function is unique to that translation unit. All declarations for the same object or function identifier with external linkage refer to the same thing, and the object or function is shared by the entire program.

As discussed in Par.A.10.2, the first external declaration for an identifier gives the identifier internal linkage if the static specifier is used, external linkage otherwise. If a declaration for an identifier within a block does not include the extern specifier, then the identifier has no linkage and is unique to the function. If it does include extern, and an external declaration for is active in the scope surrounding the block, then the identifier has the same linkage as the external declaration, and refers to the same object or function; but if no external declaration is visible, its linkage is external.

TCPL/A.11.2_Linkage (2008-02-23 15:34:52由localhost编辑)