于2007-08-07 19:52:12修订的的版本3
大小: 1001
编辑: czk
于2008-02-23 15:34:09修订的的版本4
大小: 1001
编辑: localhost
备注: converted to 1.6 markup
删除的内容标记成这样。 加入的内容标记成这样。
行号 2: 行号 2:
[[Navigation(slides)]] <<Navigation(slides)>>

<<Navigation: 执行失败 ['AllContext' object has no attribute 'values'] (see also the log)>>

B.1.7 Error Functions

Many of the functions in the library set status indicators when error or end of file occur. These indicators may be set and tested explicitly. In addition, the integer expression errno (declared in <errno.h>) may contain an error number that gives further information about the most recent error.

void clearerr(FILE *stream)
  • clearerr clears the end of file and error indicators for stream.

int feof(FILE *stream)
  • feof returns non-zero if the end of file indicator for stream is set.

int ferror(FILE *stream)
  • ferror returns non-zero if the error indicator for stream is set.

void perror(const char *s)
  • perror(s) prints s and an implementation-defined error message corresponding to the integer in errno, as if by

        fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", s, "error message");
  • See strerror in Section B.3.

TCPL/B.01.7_Error_Functions (2008-02-23 15:34:09由localhost编辑)

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