于2006-04-16 20:54:48修订的的版本1
大小: 674
编辑: czk
于2006-04-21 20:36:21修订的的版本2
大小: 747
编辑: czk
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行号 1: 行号 1:
## page was renamed from 程序设计练习64——timus1110——Power



Time Limit: 0.5 second

Memory Limit: 1 000 KB

You are given the whole numbers N, M and Y. Write a program that will find all whole numbers X in the interval [0, M-1] such that X^N mod M = Y.

1. Input

The input contains a single line with N, M and Y (0<N<999, 1<M<999, 0<Y<99) separated with one space. Output

Output all numbers X separated with space on one line. The numbers must be written in ascending order. If no such numbers exist then output -1.

2. Sample Input

2 6 4

3. Sample Output

2 4

Problem Source: Bulgarian National Olimpiad Day #1

timus1110 (2008-02-23 15:34:10由localhost编辑)

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