C语言实例教程 Illustrated C


本教程以任务驱动的方式设计,读者跟随教程完成一个一个的小的程序设计任务,从而掌握C语言的基本语法和程序设计的方法。本教程不就语法细节进行详述,有关语法细节可以参看The C Programming Language以及相关链接。

1. 任务

设计一个C语言程序,在屏幕上输出hello world。编译并且运行它。


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     printf("hello world\n");
   4 }


main函数通常会调用其他函数来帮助完成某些工作,被调用的函数可以是程序设计人员自己编写的,也可以来自于函数库。上述程序段中的第一行语句#include <stdio.h>用于告诉编译器在本程序中包含标准输入/输出库的信息。许多C语言源程序的开始处都包含这一行语句。

函数之间进行数据交换的一种方法是调用函数向被调用函数提供一个值(称为参数)列 表。函数名后面的一对圆括号将参数列表括起来。在本例中,main函数不需要任何参数,因 此用空参数表()表示。

函数中的语句用一对花括号{ }括起来。本例中的main函数仅包含下面一条语句:printf("hello, world\n");调用函数时,只需要使用函数名加上用圆括号括起来的参数表即可。上面这条语句将"hello, world\n"作为参数调用printf函数。printf是一个用于打印输出的库函数,在此处,它打印双引号中间的字符串。

用双引号括起来的字符序列称为字符串或字符串常量,如"hello, world\n"就是 个字符串。目前我们仅使用字符串作为printf以及其他函数的参数。


printf("hello, world


请注意,\n只代表一个字符。类似于\n的转义字符序列为表示无法输入的字符或不可见字符提供了一种通用的可扩充的机制。除此之外,C语言提供的转义字符序列还包括:\t表 示制表符;\b表示回退符;\"表示双引号;\\表示反斜杠符本身。


  1. 用任何文本编辑器(比如vi、emacs、gedit、kate等)编辑源代码,将上述程序写入一个文本文件,比如hello.c。
  2. 编译源代码:cc hello.c。如果提示找不到该程序,请先安装gcc编译器。

  3. 运行编译完成的程序./a.out,得到运行结果。

2. 任务



   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     printf("The area of the square is 5 * 5.\n");
   4 }


The area of the square is 5 * 5.

该程序只是输出了"5 * 5"而不是输出5*5的值25。为了输出计算的结果,我们需要将程序改成如下形式:

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     printf("The area of the square is %d.", 5 * 5);
   4 }


3. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     printf("The area of the circle is %f", 3.14159 * 5 * 5);
   4     return 0;
   5 }


4. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     printf("The total area of the square and circle is %f.", 5*5 + 3.14159*5*5);
   4     return 0;
   5 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int square_area;
   4     float circle_area;
   5     float total_area;
   7     square_area = 5 * 5;
   8     circle_area = 3.14159 * 5 * 5;
   9     total_area = square_area + circle_area;
  10     printf("The total area of the square and circle is %f", total_area);
  11     return 0;
  12 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   5     float radius;
   6     float circle_area;
   7     float total_area;
   9     length = 5;
  10     square_area = length * length;
  11     radius = 5;
  12     circle_area = 3.14159 * radius * radius;
  13     total_area = square_area + circle_area;
  14     printf("The total area of the square and circle is %f", total_area);
  15     return 0;
  16 }


5. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   5     scanf("%d", &length);
   6     sqaure_area = length * length;
   7     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
   8     return 0;
   9 }


6. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   6     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
   7     scanf("%d", &length);
   8     sqaure_area = length * length;
   9     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  11     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
  12     scanf("%d", &length);
  13     sqaure_area = length * length;
  14     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  16     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
  17     scanf("%d", &length);
  18     sqaure_area = length * length;
  19     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  21     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
  22     scanf("%d", &length);
  23     sqaure_area = length * length;
  24     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  26     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
  27     scanf("%d", &length);
  28     sqaure_area = length * length;
  29     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  30     return 0;
  31 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   3 void input_calculate_output() {
   4     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
   5     scanf("%d", &length);
   6     sqaure_area = length * length;
   7     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
   8 }
   9 int main() {
  10     input_calculate_output();
  11     input_calculate_output();
  12     input_calculate_output();
  13     input_calculate_output();
  14     input_calculate_output();
  15     return 0;
  16 }


7. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   3 int input_calculate() {
   4     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
   5     scanf("%d", &length);
   6     sqaure_area = length * length;
   7     return square_area;
   8 }
   9 int main() {
  10     int total_area = 0;
  11     total_area = total_area + input_calculate_output();
  12     total_area = total_area + input_calculate_output();
  13     total_area = total_area + input_calculate_output();
  14     total_area = total_area + input_calculate_output();
  15     total_area = total_area + input_calculate_output();
  16     printf("The total area of the squares is %d.", total_area);
  17     return 0;
  18 }


8. 任务

设计一个程序,已知圆的圆心在(3.0, 4.5),圆周上有一点(7.0, 7.5),计算并输出圆的面积。

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 #include <math.h>
   3 int main() {
   4     float radius;
   6     radius = sqrt( (7.0-3.0)*(7.0-3.0) + (7.5 - 4.5)*(7.5 - 4.5) );
   7     printf("The area of the circle is %f", 3.14159 * radius * radius);
   8 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 #include <math.h>
   3 float square(float x) {
   4     return x*x;
   5 }
   6 int main() {
   7     float radius;
   9     radius = sqrt( square(7.0-3.0) + square(7.5 - 4.5) );
  10     printf("The area of the circle is %f", 3.14159 * square(radius));
  11 }


9. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   5     length = 1;
   6     square_area = length * length;
   7     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
   8     length = 2;
   9     square_area = length * length;
  10     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  11     length = 3;
  12     square_area = length * length;
  13     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  14     length = 4;
  15     square_area = length * length;
  16     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  17     length = 5;
  18     square_area = length * length;
  19     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  20     return 0;
  21 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   6     length = 1;
   7     while(length <= 5) {
   8         square_area = length * length;
   9         printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  10         length = length + 1;
  11     }
  12 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   6     for(length = 1; length <= 5; length = length + 1) {
   7         square_area = length * length;
   8         printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
   9     }
  10 }


10. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   5     scanf("%d", &length);
   6     if(length < 0) {
   7         printf("Error! Please input a positive integer!");
   8     } 
   9     else {
  10         square_area = length * length;
  11         printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  12     }
  13     return 0;
  14 }


11. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   5     int max_square_area;
   7     max_square_area = 0;
   8     for(length = 1; length <= 5; length = length + 1) {
   9         square_area = length * length;
  10         if(square_area > max_square_area) {
  11             max_square_area = square_area;
  12         }
  13     }
  14     printf("The max area of the squares is %d.", max_square_area);
  15 }


Illustrated_C (2008-02-23 15:34:57由localhost编辑)

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