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C语言实例教程 Illustrated C




1. 任务

设计一个C语言程序,在屏幕上输出Hello world。编译并且运行它。

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     printf("Hello world\n");
   4     return 0;
   5 }


2. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     printf("The area of the square is %d.", 5 * 5);
   4     return 0;
   5 }


3. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     printf("The area of the circle is %f", 3.14159 * 5 * 5);
   4     return 0;
   5 }


4. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     printf("The total area of the square and circle is %f.", 5*5 + 3.14159*5*5);
   4     return 0;
   5 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int square_area;
   4     float circle_area;
   5     float total_area;
   7     square_area = 5 * 5;
   8     circle_area = 3.14159 * 5 * 5;
   9     total_area = square_area + circle_area;
  10     printf("The total area of the square and circle is %f", total_area);
  11     return 0;
  12 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   5     float radius;
   6     float circle_area;
   7     float total_area;
   9     length = 5;
  10     square_area = length * length;
  11     radius = 5;
  12     circle_area = 3.14159 * radius * radius;
  13     total_area = square_area + circle_area;
  14     printf("The total area of the square and circle is %f", total_area);
  15     return 0;
  16 }


5. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   5     scanf("%d", &length);
   6     sqaure_area = length * length;
   7     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
   8     return 0;
   9 }


6. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   6     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
   7     scanf("%d", &length);
   8     sqaure_area = length * length;
   9     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  11     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
  12     scanf("%d", &length);
  13     sqaure_area = length * length;
  14     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  16     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
  17     scanf("%d", &length);
  18     sqaure_area = length * length;
  19     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  21     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
  22     scanf("%d", &length);
  23     sqaure_area = length * length;
  24     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  26     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
  27     scanf("%d", &length);
  28     sqaure_area = length * length;
  29     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  30     return 0;
  31 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   3 void input_calculate_output() {
   4     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
   5     scanf("%d", &length);
   6     sqaure_area = length * length;
   7     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
   8 }
   9 int main() {
  10     input_calculate_output();
  11     input_calculate_output();
  12     input_calculate_output();
  13     input_calculate_output();
  14     input_calculate_output();
  15     return 0;
  16 }


7. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   3 int input_calculate() {
   4     printf("Please enter the length of square:");
   5     scanf("%d", &length);
   6     sqaure_area = length * length;
   7     return square_area;
   8 }
   9 int main() {
  10     int total_area = 0;
  11     total_area = total_area + input_calculate_output();
  12     total_area = total_area + input_calculate_output();
  13     total_area = total_area + input_calculate_output();
  14     total_area = total_area + input_calculate_output();
  15     total_area = total_area + input_calculate_output();
  16     printf("The total area of the squares is %d.", total_area);
  17     return 0;
  18 }


8. 任务

设计一个程序,已知圆的圆心在(3.0, 4.5),圆周上有一点(7.0, 7.5),计算并输出圆的面积。

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 #include <math.h>
   3 int main() {
   4     float radius;
   6     radius = sqrt( (7.0-3.0)*(7.0-3.0) + (7.5 - 4.5)*(7.5 - 4.5) );
   7     printf("The area of the circle is %f", 3.14159 * radius * radius);
   8 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 #include <math.h>
   3 float square(float x) {
   4     return x*x;
   5 }
   6 int main() {
   7     float radius;
   9     radius = sqrt( square(7.0-3.0) + square(7.5 - 4.5) );
  10     printf("The area of the circle is %f", 3.14159 * square(radius));
  11 }


9. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   5     length = 1;
   6     square_area = length * length;
   7     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
   8     length = 2;
   9     square_area = length * length;
  10     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  11     length = 3;
  12     square_area = length * length;
  13     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  14     length = 4;
  15     square_area = length * length;
  16     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  17     length = 5;
  18     square_area = length * length;
  19     printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  20     return 0;
  21 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   6     length = 1;
   7     while(length <= 5) {
   8         square_area = length * length;
   9         printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  10         length = length + 1;
  11     }
  12 }

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   6     for(length = 1; length <= 5; length = length + 1) {
   7         square_area = length * length;
   8         printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
   9     }
  10 }


10. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   5     scanf("%d", &length);
   6     if(length < 0) {
   7         printf("Error! Please input a positive integer!");
   8     } 
   9     else {
  10         square_area = length * length;
  11         printf("The area of the square is %d.", square_area);
  12     }
  13     return 0;
  14 }


11. 任务


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 int main() {
   3     int length;
   4     int square_area;
   5     int max_square_area;
   7     max_square_area = 0;
   8     for(length = 1; length <= 5; length = length + 1) {
   9         square_area = length * length;
  10         if(square_area > max_square_area) {
  11             max_square_area = square_area;
  12         }
  13     }
  14     printf("The max area of the squares is %d.", max_square_area);
  15 }


Illustrated_C (2008-02-23 15:34:57由localhost编辑)

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