于2006-10-24 13:57:57修订的的版本6
大小: 20439
编辑: czk
于2006-10-24 14:28:58修订的的版本7
大小: 21785
编辑: czk
删除的内容标记成这样。 加入的内容标记成这样。
行号 2: 行号 2:
= pygame.event =











= pygame.key =



行号 25: 行号 12:
          QUIT none
          ACTIVEEVENT gain, state
          KEYDOWN unicode, key, mod
          KEYUP key, mod
          MOUSEMOTION pos, rel, buttons
          MOUSEBUTTONUP pos, button
          MOUSEBUTTONDOWN pos, button
          JOYAXISMOTION joy, axis, value
          JOYBALLMOTION joy, ball, rel
          JOYHATMOTION joy, hat, value
          JOYBUTTONUP joy, button
          JOYBUTTONDOWN joy, button
          VIDEORESIZE size, w, h
          VIDEOEXPOSE none
          USEREVENT code
            KeyASCII ASCII Common Name
            K_BACKSPACE \b backspace
            K_TAB \t tab
            K_CLEAR clear
            K_RETURN \r return
            K_PAUSE pause
            K_ESCAPE ^[ escape
            K_SPACE space
            K_EXCLAIM ! exclaim
            K_QUOTEDBL " quotedbl
            K_HASH # hash
            K_DOLLAR $ dollar
            K_AMPERSAND & ampersand
            K_QUOTE quote
            K_LEFTPAREN ( left parenthesis
            K_RIGHTPAREN ) right parenthesis
            K_ASTERISK * asterisk
            K_PLUS + plus sign
            K_COMMA , comma
            K_MINUS - minus sign
            K_PERIOD . period
            K_SLASH / forward slash
            K_0 0 0
            K_1 1 1
            K_2 2 2
            K_3 3 3
            K_4 4 4
            K_5 5 5
            K_6 6 6
            K_7 7 7
            K_8 8 8
            K_9 9 9
            K_COLON : colon
            K_SEMICOLON ; semicolon
            K_LESS < less-than sign
            K_EQUALS = equals sign
            K_GREATER > greater-than sign
            K_QUESTION ? question mark
            K_AT @ at
            K_LEFTBRACKET [ left bracket
            K_BACKSLASH \ backslash
            K_RIGHTBRACKET ] right bracket
            K_CARET ^ caret
            K_UNDERSCORE _ underscore
            K_BACKQUOTE ` grave
            K_a a a
            K_b b b
            K_c c c
            K_d d d
            K_e e e
            K_f f f
            K_g g g
            K_h h h
            K_i i i
            K_j j j
            K_k k k
            K_l l l
            K_m m m
            K_n n n
            K_o o o
            K_p p p
            K_q q q
            K_r r r
            K_s s s
            K_t t t
            K_u u u
            K_v v v
            K_w w w
            K_x x x
            K_y y y
            K_z z z
            K_DELETE delete
            K_KP0 keypad 0
            K_KP1 keypad 1
            K_KP2 keypad 2
            K_KP3 keypad 3
            K_KP4 keypad 4
            K_KP5 keypad 5
            K_KP6 keypad 6
            K_KP7 keypad 7
            K_KP8 keypad 8
            K_KP9 keypad 9
            K_KP_PERIOD . keypad period
            K_KP_DIVIDE / keypad divide
            K_KP_MULTIPLY * keypad multiply
            K_KP_MINUS - keypad minus
            K_KP_PLUS + keypad plus
            K_KP_ENTER \r keypad enter
            K_KP_EQUALS = keypad equals
            K_UP up arrow
            K_DOWN down arrow
            K_RIGHT right arrow
            K_LEFT left arrow
            K_INSERT insert
            K_HOME home
            K_END end
            K_PAGEUP page up
            K_PAGEDOWN page down
            K_F1 F1
            K_F2 F2
            K_F3 F3
            K_F4 F4
            K_F5 F5
            K_F6 F6
            K_F7 F7
            K_F8 F8
            K_F9 F9
            K_F10 F10
            K_F11 F11
            K_F12 F12
            K_F13 F13
            K_F14 F14
            K_F15 F15
            K_NUMLOCK numlock
            K_CAPSLOCK capslock
            K_SCROLLOCK scrollock
            K_RSHIFT right shift
            K_LSHIFT left shift
            K_RCTRL right ctrl
            K_LCTRL left ctrl
            K_RALT right alt
            K_LALT left alt
            K_RMETA right meta
            K_LMETA left meta
            K_LSUPER left windows key
            K_RSUPER right windows key
            K_MODE mode shift
            K_HELP help
            K_PRINT print screen
            K_SYSREQ sysrq
            K_BREAK break
            K_MENU menu
            K_POWER power
            K_EURO euro
行号 42: 行号 154:
== pygame.event.pump ==
== pygame.key.get_focused ==
行号 45: 行号 157:
pygame.event.pump(): return None pygame.key.get_focused(): return bool
行号 47: 行号 159:



== pygame.event.get ==

== pygame.key.get_pressed ==
行号 57: 行号 164:
            pygame.event.get(): return Eventlist
            pygame.event.get(type): return Eventlist
            pygame.event.get(typelist): return Eventlist
pygame.key.get_pressed(): return bools
行号 61: 行号 166:


== pygame.event.poll ==

            Getting the list of pushed buttons with this function is not the proper way to handle text entry from the user. You have no way to know the order of keys pressed, and rapidly pushed keys can be completely unnoticed between two calls to pygame.key.get_pressed - get the state of all keyboard buttons. There is also no way to translate these pushed keys into a fully translated character value. See the pygame.KEYDOWN events on the event queue for this functionality.
            December 25, 2005 7:36pm - Anonymous

              m = pygame.key.get_mods()
              if m & KMOD_SHIFT:
                print 'shift pressed'

            December 7, 2005 4:09am - Anonymous

            When I tryed to use this, he couldn't find the key K_t I wanted
             untill I used:

            from pygame.locals import *

            So be sure to use it - Shefy

            December 1, 2005 10:30am - Anonymous

            Before calling pygame.key.get_pressed(), one should call pygame.event.pump() to get the lates state of the keyboard.

            This is so because the get_pressed() function wraps the SDL_GetKeyState() function and in the SDL_GetKeyState() documentation it is written that one should use SDL_PumpEvents() to update the state array and pygame.event.pump() just happens to be a wrapper for SDL_PumpEvents() :-)


== pygame.key.get_mods ==
            determine which modifier keys are being held
            pygame.key.get_mods(): return int

            Returns a single integer representing a bitmask of all the modifier keys being held. Using bitwise operators you can test if specific shift keys are pressed, the state of the capslock button, and more.
            February 23, 2006 12:14pm - Anonymous



== pygame.key.set_mods ==
            temporarily set which modifier keys are pressed
            pygame.key.set_mods(int): return None

            Create a bitmask of the modifier constants you want to impose on your program.
            October 17, 2006 9:00am - Anonymous



== pygame.key.set_repeat ==
            control how held keys are repeated
            pygame.key.set_repeat(): return None
            pygame.key.set_repeat(delay, interval): return None

            When the keyboard repeat is enabled, keys that are held down will generate multiple pygame.KEYDOWN events. The delay is the number if milliseconds before the first repeated pygame.KEYDOWN will be sent. After that another pygame.KEYDOWN will be sent every interval milliseconds. If no arguments are passed the key repeat is disabled.

            When pygame is initialized the key repeat is disabled.

== pygame.key.name ==
行号 68: 行号 230:
pygame.event.poll(): return Event pygame.key.name(key): return string
行号 70: 行号 232:

== pygame.event.wait ==
pygame.event.wait(): return Event

== pygame.event.peek ==
pygame.event.peek(type): return bool
pygame.event.peek(typelist): return bool

== pygame.event.clear ==
pygame.event.clear(): return None
pygame.event.clear(type): return None
pygame.event.clear(typelist): return None

== pygame.event.event_name ==
pygame.event.event_name(type): return string

== pygame.event.set_blocked ==
pygame.event.set_blocked(type): return None
pygame.event.set_blocked(typelist): return None
pygame.event.set_blocked(None): return None


== pygame.event.set_allowed ==
pygame.event.set_allowed(type): return None
pygame.event.set_allowed(typelist): return None
pygame.event.set_allowed(None): return None


== pygame.event.get_blocked ==
pygame.event.get_blocked(type): return bool

== pygame.event.set_grab ==
pygame.event.set_grab(bool): return None


== pygame.event.get_grab ==
pygame.event.get_grab(): return bool

== pygame.event.post ==
pygame.event.post(Event): return None


== pygame.event.Event ==

pygame.event.Event(type, dict): return Event
pygame.event.Event(type, **attributes): return Event


= pygame.key =







            KeyASCII      ASCII   Common Name
            K_BACKSPACE   \b      backspace
            K_TAB         \t      tab
            K_CLEAR               clear
            K_RETURN      \r      return
            K_PAUSE               pause
            K_ESCAPE      ^[      escape
            K_SPACE               space
            K_EXCLAIM     !       exclaim
            K_QUOTEDBL    "       quotedbl
            K_HASH        #       hash
            K_DOLLAR      $       dollar
            K_AMPERSAND   &       ampersand
            K_QUOTE               quote
            K_LEFTPAREN   (       left parenthesis
            K_RIGHTPAREN  )       right parenthesis
            K_ASTERISK    *       asterisk
            K_PLUS        +       plus sign
            K_COMMA       ,       comma
            K_MINUS       -       minus sign
            K_PERIOD      .       period
            K_SLASH       /       forward slash
            K_0           0       0
            K_1           1       1
            K_2           2       2
            K_3           3       3
            K_4           4       4
            K_5           5       5
            K_6           6       6
            K_7           7       7
            K_8           8       8
            K_9           9       9
            K_COLON       :       colon
            K_SEMICOLON   ;       semicolon
            K_LESS        <       less-than sign
            K_EQUALS      =       equals sign
            K_GREATER     >       greater-than sign
            K_QUESTION    ?       question mark
            K_AT          @       at
            K_LEFTBRACKET [       left bracket
            K_BACKSLASH   \       backslash
            K_RIGHTBRACKET ]      right bracket
            K_CARET       ^       caret
            K_UNDERSCORE  _       underscore
            K_BACKQUOTE   `       grave
            K_a           a       a
            K_b           b       b
            K_c           c       c
            K_d           d       d
            K_e           e       e
            K_f           f       f
            K_g           g       g
            K_h           h       h
            K_i           i       i
            K_j           j       j
            K_k           k       k
            K_l           l       l
            K_m           m       m
            K_n           n       n
            K_o           o       o
            K_p           p       p
            K_q           q       q
            K_r           r       r
            K_s           s       s
            K_t           t       t
            K_u           u       u
            K_v           v       v
            K_w           w       w
            K_x           x       x
            K_y           y       y
            K_z           z       z
            K_DELETE              delete
            K_KP0                 keypad 0
            K_KP1                 keypad 1
            K_KP2                 keypad 2
            K_KP3                 keypad 3
            K_KP4                 keypad 4
            K_KP5                 keypad 5
            K_KP6                 keypad 6
            K_KP7                 keypad 7
            K_KP8                 keypad 8
            K_KP9                 keypad 9
            K_KP_PERIOD   .       keypad period
            K_KP_DIVIDE   /       keypad divide
            K_KP_MULTIPLY *       keypad multiply
            K_KP_MINUS    -       keypad minus
            K_KP_PLUS     +       keypad plus
            K_KP_ENTER    \r      keypad enter
            K_KP_EQUALS   =       keypad equals
            K_UP                  up arrow
            K_DOWN                down arrow
            K_RIGHT               right arrow
            K_LEFT                left arrow
            K_INSERT              insert
            K_HOME                home
            K_END                 end
            K_PAGEUP              page up
            K_PAGEDOWN            page down
            K_F1                  F1
            K_F2                  F2
            K_F3                  F3
            K_F4                  F4
            K_F5                  F5
            K_F6                  F6
            K_F7                  F7
            K_F8                  F8
            K_F9                  F9
            K_F10                 F10
            K_F11                 F11
            K_F12                 F12
            K_F13                 F13
            K_F14                 F14
            K_F15                 F15
            K_NUMLOCK             numlock
            K_CAPSLOCK            capslock
            K_SCROLLOCK           scrollock
            K_RSHIFT              right shift
            K_LSHIFT              left shift
            K_RCTRL               right ctrl
            K_LCTRL               left ctrl
            K_RALT                right alt
            K_LALT                left alt
            K_RMETA               right meta
            K_LMETA               left meta
            K_LSUPER              left windows key
            K_RSUPER              right windows key
            K_MODE                mode shift
            K_HELP                help
            K_PRINT               print screen
            K_SYSREQ              sysrq
            K_BREAK               break
            K_MENU                menu
            K_POWER               power
            K_EURO                euro



1. pygame.key.get_focused


pygame.key.get_focused(): return bool


2. pygame.key.get_pressed


pygame.key.get_pressed(): return bools


  • Getting the list of pushed buttons with this function is not the proper way to handle text entry from the user. You have no way to know the order of keys pressed, and rapidly pushed keys can be completely unnoticed between two calls to pygame.key.get_pressed - get the state of all keyboard buttons. There is also no way to translate these pushed keys into a fully translated character value. See the pygame.KEYDOWN events on the event queue for this functionality. December 25, 2005 7:36pm - Anonymous
    • pygame.event.pump() m = pygame.key.get_mods()

      if m & KMOD_SHIFT:

      • print 'shift pressed'
    December 7, 2005 4:09am - Anonymous When I tryed to use this, he couldn't find the key K_t I wanted
    • untill I used:
    from pygame.locals import * So be sure to use it - Shefy December 1, 2005 10:30am - Anonymous Before calling pygame.key.get_pressed(), one should call pygame.event.pump() to get the lates state of the keyboard.

    This is so because the get_pressed() function wraps the SDL_GetKeyState() function and in the SDL_GetKeyState() documentation it is written that one should use SDL_PumpEvents() to update the state array and pygame.event.pump() just happens to be a wrapper for SDL_PumpEvents() :-)

3. pygame.key.get_mods

  • determine which modifier keys are being held pygame.key.get_mods(): return int Returns a single integer representing a bitmask of all the modifier keys being held. Using bitwise operators you can test if specific shift keys are pressed, the state of the capslock button, and more. February 23, 2006 12:14pm - Anonymous DSFDSFDKJKFJEFJDJFKLSD

4. pygame.key.set_mods

  • temporarily set which modifier keys are pressed pygame.key.set_mods(int): return None Create a bitmask of the modifier constants you want to impose on your program. October 17, 2006 9:00am - Anonymous sexwiev

5. pygame.key.set_repeat

  • control how held keys are repeated pygame.key.set_repeat(): return None pygame.key.set_repeat(delay, interval): return None When the keyboard repeat is enabled, keys that are held down will generate multiple pygame.KEYDOWN events. The delay is the number if milliseconds before the first repeated pygame.KEYDOWN will be sent. After that another pygame.KEYDOWN will be sent every interval milliseconds. If no arguments are passed the key repeat is disabled. When pygame is initialized the key repeat is disabled.

6. pygame.key.name


pygame.key.name(key): return string



  • pygame module to work with the mouse
    • pygame.mouse.get_pressed - get the state of the mouse buttons get the state of the mouse buttons pygame.mouse.get_pos - get the mouse cursor position get the mouse cursor position pygame.mouse.get_rel - get the amount of mouse movement get the amount of mouse movement pygame.mouse.set_pos - set the mouse cursor position set the mouse cursor position pygame.mouse.set_visible - hide or show the mouse cursor hide or show the mouse cursor pygame.mouse.get_focused - check if the display is receiving mouse input check if the display is receiving mouse input pygame.mouse.set_cursor - set the image for the system mouse cursor set the image for the system mouse cursor pygame.mouse.get_cursor - get the image for the system mouse cursor get the image for the system mouse cursor
    The mouse functions can be used to get the current state of the mouse device. These functions can also alter the system cursor for the mouse. When the display mode is set, the event queue will start receiving mouse events. The mouse buttons generate pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP events when they are pressed and released. These events contain a button attribute representing which button was pressed. The mouse wheel will generate pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN events when rolled. The button will be set to 4 when the wheel is rolled up, and to button 5 when the wheel is rolled down. Anytime the mouse is moved it generates a pygame.MOUSEMOTION event. The mouse movement is broken into small and accurate motion events. As the mouse is moving many motion events will be placed on the queue. Mouse motion events that are not properly cleaned from the event queue are the primary reason the event queue fills up. If the mouse cursor is hidden, and input is grabbed to the current display the mouse will enter a virtual input mode, where the relative movements of the mouse will never be stopped by the borders of the screen. See the functions pygame.mouse.set_visible - hide or show the mouse cursor and pygame.event.set_grab - control the sharing of input devices with other applications to get this configured.

1. pygame.mouse.get_pressed

  • get the state of the mouse buttons pygame.moouse.get_pressed(): return (button1, button2, button3) Returns a sequence of booleans representing the state of all the mouse buttons. A true value means the mouse is currently being pressed at the time of the call. Note, to get all of the mouse events it is better to use either
    • pygame.event.wait() or pygame.event.get() and check all of those events
    to see if they are MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, MOUSEBUTTONUP, or MOUSEMOTION. Note, that on X11 some XServers use middle button emulation. When you click both buttons 1 and 3 at the same time a 2 button event can be emitted. Note, remember to call pygame.event.get - get events from the queue before this function. Otherwise it will not work.

2. pygame.mouse.get_pos

  • get the mouse cursor position pygame.mouse.get_pos(): return (x, y) Returns the X and Y position of the mouse cursor. The position is relative the the top-left corner of the display. The cursor position can be located outside of the display window, but is always constrained to the screen.

3. pygame.mouse.get_rel

  • get the amount of mouse movement pygame.mouse.get_rel(): return (x, y) Returns the amount of movement in X and Y since the previous call to this function. The relative movement of the mouse cursor is constrained to the edges of the screen, but see the virtual input mouse mode for a way around this. Virtual input mode is described at the top of the page.

4. pygame.mouse.set_pos

  • set the mouse cursor position pygame.mouse.set_pos([x, y]): return None Set the current mouse position to arguments given. If the mouse cursor is visible it will jump to the new coordinates. Moving the mouse will generate a new pygaqme.MOUSEMOTION event.

5. pygame.mouse.set_visible

  • hide or show the mouse cursor pygame.mouse.set_visible(bool): return bool If the bool argument is true, the mouse cursor will be visible. This will return the previous visible state of the cursor.

6. pygame.mouse.get_focused

  • check if the display is receiving mouse input pygame.mouse.get_focused(): return bool Returns true when pygame is receiving mouse input events (or, in windowing terminology, is "active" or has the "focus"). This method is most useful when working in a window. By contrast, in full-screen mode, this method always returns true. Note: under MS Windows, the window that has the mouse focus also has the keyboard focus. But under X-Windows, one window can receive mouse events and another receive keyboard events. pygame.mouse.get_focused - check if the display is receiving mouse input indicates whether the pygame window receives mouse events.

7. pygame.mouse.set_cursor

  • set the image for the system mouse cursor pygame.mouse.set_cursor(size, hotspot, xormasks, andmasks): return None When the mouse cursor is visible, it will be displayed as a black and white bitmap using the given bitmask arrays. The size is a sequence containing the cursor width and height. Hotspot is a sequence containing the cursor hotspot position. xormasks is a sequence of bytes containing the cursor xor data masks. Lastly is andmasks, a sequence of bytes containting the cursor bitmask data. Width must be a multiple of 8, and the mask arrays must be the correct size for the given width and height. Otherwise an exception is raised. See the pygame.cursor module for help creating default and custom masks for the system cursor.

8. pygame.mouse.get_cursor

  • get the image for the system mouse cursor pygame.mouse.get_cursor(): return (size, hotspot, xormasks, andmasks) Get the information about the mouse system cursor. The return value is the same data as the arguments passed into pygame.mouse.set_cursor - set the image for the system mouse cursor.


  • pygame module for cursor resources
    • pygame.cursors.compile - create binary cursor data from simple strings create binary cursor data from simple strings pygame.cursors.load_xbm - load cursor data from an xbm file load cursor data from an xbm file
    Pygame offers control over the system hardware cursor. Pygame only supports black and white cursors for the system. You control the cursor with functions inside pygame.mouse. This cursors module contains functions for loading and unencoding various cursor formats. These allow you to easily store your cursors in external files or directly as encoded python strings. The module includes several standard cursors. The pygame.mouse.set_cursor - set the image for the system mouse cursor function takes several arguments. All those arguments have been stored in a single tuple you can call like this:
    • >>> pygame.mouse.set_cursor(*pygame.cursors.arrow)

    This module also contains a few cursors as formatted strings. You'll need to pass these to pygame.cursors.compile - create binary cursor data from simple strings function before you can use them. The example call would look like this:
    • >>> cursor = pygame.cursors.compile(pygame.cursors.textmarker_strings) >>> pygame.mouse.set_cursor(*cursor)

    The following variables are cursor bitmaps that can be used as cursor:
    • o pygame.cursors.arrow o pygame.cursors.diamond o pygame.cursors.broken_x o pygame.cursors.tri_left o pygame.cursors.tri_right
    The following strings can be converted into cursor bitmaps with pygame.cursors.compile - create binary cursor data from simple strings :
    • o pygame.cursors.thickarrow_strings o pygame.cursors.sizer_x_strings o pygame.cursors.sizer_y_strings o pygame.cursors.sizer_xy_strings

1. pygame.cursors.compile

  • create binary cursor data from simple strings pygame.cursor.compile(strings, black='X', white='.', xor='o'): return data, mask A sequence of strings can be used to create binary cursor data for the system cursor. The return values are the same format needed by pygame.mouse.set_cursor - set the image for the system mouse cursor. If you are creating your own cursor strings, you can use any value represent the black and white pixels. Some system allow you to set a special toggle color for the system color, this is also called the xor color. If the system does not support xor cursors, that color will simply be black. The width of the strings must all be equal and be divisible by 8. An example set of cursor strings looks like this
    • thickarrow_strings = ( #sized 24x24
      • "XX ", "XXX ", "XXXX ", "XX.XX ", "XX..XX ", "XX...XX ", "XX....XX ", "XX.....XX ", "XX......XX ", "XX.......XX ", "XX........XX ", "XX........XXX ", "XX......XXXXX ", "XX.XXX..XX ", "XXXX XX..XX ", "XX XX..XX ", " XX..XX ", " XX..XX ", " XX..XX ", " XXXX ", " XX ", " ", " ", " ")
    August 27, 2006 4:58am - Anonymous

    \ZnbNzgytswsc %%%%%%%%%%%%%% _

2. pygame.cursors.load_xbm

  • load cursor data from an xbm file pygame.cursors.load_xbm(cursorfile, maskfile=None): return cursor_args This loads cursors for a simple subset of XBM files. XBM files are traditionally used to store cursors on unix systems, they are an ascii format used to represent simple images. Sometimes the black and white color values will be split into two separate XBM files. You can pass a second maskfile argument to load the two images into a single cursor. The cursorfile and maskfile arguments can either be filenames or filelike object with the readlines method. The return value cursor_args can be passed directly to the pygame.mouse.set_cursor - set the image for the system mouse cursor function.



The End

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