





>>> pygame.mouse.set_cursor(*pygame.cursors.arrow)

1. pygame.cursors.compile

2. pygame.cursors.load_xbm


1. pygame.joystick.init

2. pygame.joystick.quit

3. pygame.joystick.get_init

4. pygame.joystick.get_count

5. pygame.joystick.Joystick

            pygame.joystick.Joystick(id): return Joystick
                  Joystick.init - initialize the Joystick       initialize the Joystick
                  Joystick.quit - uninitialize the Joystick     uninitialize the Joystick
                  Joystick.get_init - check if the Joystick is initialized      check if the Joystick is initialized
                  Joystick.get_id - get the Joystick ID get the Joystick ID
                  Joystick.get_name - get the Joystick system name      get the Joystick system name
                  Joystick.get_numaxes - get the number of axes on a Joystick   get the number of axes on a Joystick
                  Joystick.get_axis - get the current position of an axis       get the current position of an axis
                  Joystick.get_numballs - get the number of trackballs on a Joystick    get the number of trackballs on a Joystick
                  Joystick.get_ball - get the relative position of a trackball  get the relative position of a trackball
                  Joystick.get_numbuttons - get the number of buttons on a Joystick     get the number of buttons on a Joystick
                  Joystick.get_button - get the current button state    get the current button state
                  Joystick.get_numhats - get the number of hat controls on a Joystick   get the number of hat controls on a Joystick
                  Joystick.get_hat - get the position of a joystick hat get the position of a joystick hat

5.1. Joystick.init

5.2. Joystick.quit

5.3. Joystick.get_init

5.4. Joystick.get_id

5.5. Joystick.get_name

5.6. Joystick.get_numaxes

5.7. Joystick.get_axis

5.8. Joystick.get_numballs

5.9. Joystick.get_ball

5.10. Joystick.get_numbuttons

5.11. Joystick.get_button

5.12. Joystick.get_numhats

5.13. Joystick.get_hat


1. pygame.time.get_ticks

2. pygame.time.wait

3. pygame.time.delay

4. pygame.time.set_timer

5. pygame.time.Clock

5.1. Clock.tick

5.2. Clock.tick_busy_loop

5.3. Clock.get_time

5.4. Clock.get_rawtime

5.5. Clock.get_fps

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