英文原版: http://www.disinterest.org/resource/stackless/2.6.4-docs-html/stackless-python.html

Stackless Python

Stackless Python 是Python语言的一个增强版本。它让程序员可以获得基于线程的程序的优点,同时又避免传统线程带来的性能和复杂度问题。Stackless Python为Python语言添加的微线程(microthread)是一种方便、廉价、轻量级的工具,如果使用得当,它不仅可以提供一种构建应用程序或者框架的方法,而且能改进程序的结构和可读性。

如果你在你安装的Python附带的文档中读到这篇文章,这说明你安装的已经是Stackless Python而非标准的Python。

1. 概述

除了Stackless Python新增的功能部分,Stackless Python的其他部分的行为和标准的Python完全一样,用法也完全一样。Stackless的新增的功能,是通过stackless模块暴露出来的框架来使用的。

2. 你需要知道的

Stackless Python只提供了一个最基本的框架,它没有附带任何支撑功能,只是满足构建一个特定用途的框架时可能出现的一般需求。

2.1. 阻塞的操作


某些第三方模块可以用Stackless兼容的方式来代替一些标准库中模块。这种方法的好处是,原来使用标准模块的其他模块也可以在替代的模块上工作。Stackless socket模块是最常使用的替代模块。

2.2. 异常



2.3. 调试



3. 外部资源


4. 历史

Continuations 是一种需要语言本身来实现的特性,并需要以一种有利于它的存在的方式实现。为了将它加入到Python语言中,Christian Tismer大规模修改了Python语言。修改的主要方式是让它没有栈(Stackless),因此它的Python分支被称为Stackless Python。

现在,将数据存在栈上,会导致操作系统的线程被固定在某个功能上执行,直到那个功能完成并且栈被一点点释放。为了在Python中加入continuations,数据需要被存放在堆上,将功能的执行与栈分开。为此需要对Python进行大量的修改,Christian发布了Stackless Python。


Following the rewrite, a framework was designed and added inspired by coming from CSP and the Limbo programming language. From this point on, Stackless was in a state where it contained the minimum functionality to give the benefits it aimed to provide, with the minimum amount of work required to keep it maintained.

A few years later in 2004, while sprinting on Stackless in Berlin, Christian and Armin Rigo came up with a way to take the core functionality of Stackless and build an extension module that provided it. This was the creation of greenlets, which are very likely a more popular tool than Stackless itself today. The greenlet source code in practice can be used as the base for green threading functionality not just in Python, but in other programming languages and projects.

With Stackless Python a solid product, Christian’s focus moved onto other projects, PyPy among them. One of his interests in PyPy was a proper implementation of the Stackless functionality, where it could be integrated as a natural part of any Python built.

For a while, Stackless Python languished, with no new versions to match the releases of Python itself. Then in 2006, CCP sent Kristjan Valur Jonsson and Richard Tew to PyCon where they sprinted with the aid of Christian Tismer. The result was an up to date release of Stackless Python. From this point in time, maintaining and releasing Stackless Python has been undertaken by Richard and Kristjan.

stackless — 内置的扩展模块

使用stackless模块是程序员使用Stackless Python的增强功能的方法。

1. 函数

The main scheduling related functions:

1.1. stackless.run(timeout=0, threadblock=False, soft=False, ignore_nesting=False, totaltimeout=False)

When run without arguments, scheduling is cooperative. It us up to you to ensure your tasklets yield, perhaps by calling schedule(), giving other tasklets a turn to run. The scheduler will exit when there are no longer any runnable tasklets left within it. This might be because all the tasklets have exited, whether by completing or erroring, but it also might be because some are blocked on channels. You should not assume that when run() exits, your tasklets have all run to completion, unless you know for sure that is how you structured your application.

The optional argument timeout is primarily used to run the scheduler in a different manner, providing pre-emptive scheduling. A non-zero value indicates that as each tasklet is given a chance to run, it should only be allowed to run as long as the number of Python virtual instructions are below this value. If a tasklet hits this limit, then it is interrupted and the scheduler exits returning the now no longer scheduled tasklet to the caller.

Example - run until 1000 opcodes have been executed:

interrupted_tasklet = stackless.run(1000)
# interrupted_tasklet is no longer scheduled, reschedule it.
# Now run your custom logic.

The optional argument threadblock affects the way Stackless works when channels are used for communication between threads. Normally,

The optional argument soft affects how pre-emptive scheduling behaves. When a pre-emptive interruption would normally occur, instead of interrupting and returning the running tasklet, the scheduler exits at the next convenient scheduling moment.

The optional argument ignore_nesting affects the behaviour of the attribute tasklet.nesting_level on individual tasklets. If set, interrupts are allowed at any interpreter nesting level, causing the tasklet-level attribute to be ignored.

The optional argument totaltimeout affects how pre-emptive scheduling behaves. Normally the scheduler is interrupted when any given tasklet has been running for timeout instructions. If a value is given for totaltimeout, instead the scheduler is interrupted when it has run for totaltimeout instructions.

Note The most common use of this function is to call it either without arguments, or with a value for timeout.

1.2. stackless.schedule(retval=stackless.current)

Yield execution of the currently running tasklet. When called, the tasklet is blocked and moved to the end of the chain of runnable tasklets. The next tasklet in the chain is executed next.

If your application employs cooperative scheduling and you do not use custom yielding mechanisms built around channels, you will most likely call this in your tasklets.

Example - typical usage of schedule():


As illustrated in the example, the typical use of this function ignores both the optional argument retval and the return value. Note that as the variable name retval hints, the return value is the value of the optional argument.

1.3. stackless.schedule_remove(retval=stackless.current)

Yield execution of the currently running tasklet. When called, the tasklet is blocked and removed from the chain of runnable tasklets. The tasklet following calling tasklet in the chain is executed next.

The most likely reason to use this, rather than schedule(), is to build your own yielding primitive without using channels. This is where the otherwise ignored optional argument retval and the return value are useful.

tasklet.tempval is used to store the value to be returned, and as expected, when this function is called it is set to retval. Custom utility functions can take advantage of this and set a new value for tasklet.tempval before reinserting the tasklet back into the scheduler.

Example - a utility function:

def wait_for_result():
    return stackless.schedule_remove()

def event_callback(result):
    for tasklet in waiting_tasklets:
        tasklet.tempval = result

    waiting_tasklets = []

def tasklet_function():
    result = wait_for_result()
    print "received result", result

One drawback of this approach over channels, is that it bypasses the useful tasklet.block_trap attribute. The ability to guard against a tasklet being blocked on a channel, is in practice a useful ability to have.

Callback related functions:

1.4. stackless.set_channel_callback(callable)

Install a callback for channels. Every send or receive action will result in callable being called. Setting a value of None will result in the callback being disabled.

Example - installing a callback:

def channel_cb(channel, tasklet, sending, willblock):


The channel callback argument is the channel on which the action is being performed.

The tasklet callback argument is the tasklet that is performing the action on channel.

The sending callback argument is an integer, a non-zero value of which indicates that the channel action is a send rather than a receive.

The willblock callback argument is an integer, a non-zero value of which indicates that the channel action will result in tasklet being blocked on channel.

1.5. stackless.set_schedule_callback(callable)

Install a callback for scheduling. Every scheduling event, whether explicit or implicit, will result in callable being called.

Example - installing a callback:

def schedule_cb(prev, next):


The prev callback argument is the tasklet that was just running.

The next callback argument is the tasklet that is going to run now.

Scheduler state introspection related functions:

1.6. stackless.get_thread_info(thread_id)

Return a tuple containing the threads main tasklet, current tasklet and run-count.


main_tasklet, current_tasklet, runcount = get_thread_info(thread_id)

1.7. stackless.getcurrent()

Return the currently executing tasklet of this thread.

1.8. stackless.getmain()

Return the main tasklet of this thread.

1.9. stackless.getruncount()

Return the number of currently runnable tasklets.

Debugging related functions:

1.10. stackless.enable_softswitch(flag)

Control the switching behaviour. Tasklets can be either switched by moving stack slices around or by avoiding stack changes at all. The latter is only possible in the top interpreter level.

Example - safely disabling soft switching:

old_value = stackless.enable_softswitch(False)
# Logic executed without soft switching.

Note Disabling soft switching in this manner is exposed for timing and debugging purposes.

2. 属性

2.1. stackless.current

The currently executing tasklet of this thread.

2.2. stackless.main

The main tasklet of this thread.

2.3. stackless.runcount

The number of currently runnable tasklets.

Example - usage:

>>> stackless.runcount

Note The minimum value of runcount will be 1, as the calling tasklet will be included.

2.4. stackless.threads

A list of all thread ids, starting with the id of the main thread.

Example - usage:

>>> stackless.threads

3. 异常

3.1. exception stackless.TaskletExit

This exception is used to silently kill a tasklet. It should not be caught by your code, and along with other important exceptions like SystemExit, be propagated up to the scheduler.

The following use of the except clause should be avoided:


This will catch every exception raised within it, including TaskletExit. Unless you guarantee you actually raise the exceptions that should reach the scheduler, you are better to use except in the following manner:

except Exception:

Here only the more common exceptions are caught, as the ones that should not be caught and discarded inherit from BaseException, rather than Exception.

This class is derived from BaseException.

小任务(Tasklet) — 轻量级的线程



stackless.tasklet(callable)(*args, **kwargs)


例子 - 加载一个更具体的小任务:

>>> def func(*args, **kwargs):
...     print "scheduled with", args, "and", kwargs
>>> stackless.tasklet(func)(1, 2, 3, string="test")
<stackless.tasklet object at 0x01C58030>
>>> stackless.run()
scheduled with (1, 2, 3) and {'string': 'test'}

1. 小任务、main、current等

有两种需要特别注意的小任务,主小任务(main tasklet)和当前小任务(current tasklet)。



例子 - 主小任务是当前小任务吗:

stackless.main == stackless.current

例子 - 当前小任务是主小任务吗:

stackless.current.is_main == 1

例子 - 有多少小任务在被调度:




2. tasklet类

通道(Channel) — 小任务之间的通讯




1. 通道与线程


2. channel类

调度器 — 小任务如何运行


1. 合作式调度(Cooperative scheduling)


例子 - 在小任务里面运行一个简单函数:

>>> def function(n):
...     for i in range(n):
...         print i+1
...         stackless.schedule()
>>> stackless.tasklet(function)(3)
>>> stackless.run()



def function(n):
    for i in range(n):
        print i+1









1.1. 检测不合作的小任务



习惯用法 - 检测不合作的小任务:

while 1:
    t = stackless.run(1000000)
    if t is not None:

        print "*** Uncooperative tasklet", t, "detected ***"


t = stackless.run(1000000)



if t is not None:

中断的小任务不会继续留在调度器中。我们不知道这个小任务是做什么的,根据应用程序的需求不让它执行完可能是无法接受的,调用 tasklet.insert()将它重新插回调度器中,放在所有可以运行的小任务的列表末尾,来保证在这个小任务下一次被执行前,其他小任务有机会运行。



if t is not None:
    print "*** Uncooperative tasklet", t, "detected ***"




1.2. Pumping the scheduler




习惯用法 - pumping调度器:

def ApplicationMainLoop():
    while 1:





def CustomYield():



def RescheduleBlockedTasklets():
    while customYieldChannel.balance < 0:



customYieldChannel = stackless.channel()
customYieldChannel.preference = 1



2. 抢占式调度(Pre-emptive scheduling)

If you want a lot of the work of using operating system threads without a lot of the benefits, then pre-emptive scheduling is a good choice. Making the scheduler work in a pre-emptive manner, is a simple matter of giving it a timeout value.

Example - running a simple tasklet within the scheduler:

>>> def function():
...     i = 0
...     while True:
...         print i+1
...         i += 1
>>> stackless.tasklet(function)()
>>> stackless.run(100)
<stackless.tasklet object at 0x01BCD0B0>

In this case, the scheduler runs until a maximum of 100 instructions have been executed in the Python virtual machine. At which point, whatever tasklet is currently running is returned when stackless.run() exits. The standard way to employ this is to pump the scheduler, reinserting the interrupted tasklet.

Idiom - pre-emptive scheduling:

while True:

    t = stackless.run(100)
    if t is None:


Run the scheduler for 100 instructions:

t = stackless.run(100)

There are two things to note here, if t is None then there are no tasklets in the scheduler to run. If t is not None, then it is an interrupted tasklet that needs to be reinserted into the scheduler.

Detect an empty scheduler:

if t is None:

It may be that an empty scheduler indicates that all the work is done, or it may not. How this work is actually handled depends on the implementation details of your solution.

Reinsert the interrupted tasklet:


Note You are not running the scheduler for 100 instructions, you are running it until any subsequently scheduled tasklet runs for at least that many instructions. If all your tasklets always explicitly yield before this many instructions have been executed, then the stackless.run() call will not exit until for some reason one does not.

2.1. 让整个调度器只运行n个指令

运行调度器,直到某个小任务连续执行了n个指令,这是抢占式的一种方法。 Running the scheduler until a scheduled tasklet runs for n consecutive instructions is one way pre-emptive scheduling might work. However, if you want to structure your application or framework in such a way that it drives Stackless rather than the other way round, then you need the scheduler to exit instead. The scheduler can be directed to work in this way, by giving it a totaltimeout flag value.

习惯用法 - 抢占式调度器pumping:

while True:

    t = stackless.run(100, totaltimeout=True)
    if t is None:


3. 异常

Exceptions that occur within tasklets and are uncaught are raised out of the stackless.run() call, to be handled by its caller.

Example - an exception raised out of the scheduler:

>>> def func_loop():
...     while 1:
...         stackless.schedule()
>>> def func_exception():
...     raise Exception("catch this")
>>> stackless.tasklet(func_loop)()
<stackless.tasklet object at 0x01C58EB0>
>>> stackless.tasklet(func_exception)()
<stackless.tasklet object at 0x01C58F70>
>>> stackless.run()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in func_exception
Exception: catch this

This may not be the desired behaviour, and a more acceptable one might be that the exception is caught and dealt with in the tasklet it occurred in before that tasklet exits.

3.1. 捕获小任务的异常

We want to change the new behaviour to be:

  1. The tasklet with the uncaught exception exits normally.
  2. The uncaught exception is examined and handled before the tasklet exits.
  3. The scheduler continues running.

There are two ways to accomplish these things. You can either monkey-patch the tasklet creation process, or you can use a custom function for all your tasklet creation.

Example - a custom tasklet creation function:

def new_tasklet(f, *args, **kwargs):
    def safe_tasklet():
            f(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception:

    return stackless.tasklet(safe_tasklet)()

new_tasklet(some_function, 1, 2, 3, key="value") Example - monkey-patching the tasklet creation process:

def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     f = self.tempval

     def new_f(old_f, args, kwargs):
             old_f(*args, **kwargs)
         except Exception:

     self.tempval = new_f
     stackless.tasklet.setup(self, f, args, kwargs)

stackless.tasklet.__call__ = __call__

stackless.tasklet(some_function)(1, 2, 3, key=value) Printing the call stack in the case of an exception is good enough for these examples, but in practice the call stack might instead be recorded in a database.

Note We catch Exception explicitly, rather than catching any exception which might occur. The reason for this is to avoid catching exceptions we should not be catching like SystemExit or TaskletExit, which derive from the lower level BaseException.

调试与跟踪 — Stackless有什么不同

Debugging tools, like those used for tracing, are implemented through calls to the sys.settrace() function. Now, in normal Python, when this has been called any code that runs within the operating system thread is covered by it. In Stackless however, this function only covers the current tasklet.

The debugging related modules, whether in the standard library or not, do not take this difference into account. They are not likely to work, and if they do, are not likely to work in the way you expect. In an ideal world, Stackless Python might include modified versions of these modules, and patches adding them would be most welcome.

If you want working debugging for Stackless Python, at this time your best option is to use the WingWare Python IDE. WingWare have gone out of their way to add and support Stackless Python development.

Note In the past, the possibility of ditching the per-tasklet behaviour for the standard per-thread behaviour has been broached on the mailing list. Given the lack of movement on usability for this part of Stackless, it is not unlikely that this suggested change will be revisited.

1. settrace与小任务

In order to get debugging support working on a per-tasklet basis, you need to ensure you call sys.settrace() for all tasklets. Vilhelm Saevarsson has an email giving code and a description of the steps required including potentially unforeseen circumstances, in the Stackless mailing list archives.

Vilhelm’s code:

import sys
import stackless

def contextDispatch( prev, next ):
    if not prev: #Creating next
        # I never see this print out
        print "Creating ", next
    elif not next: #Destroying prev
        # I never see this print out either
        print "Destroying ", prev
        # Prev is being suspended
        # Next is resuming
        # When worker tasklets are resuming and have
        # not been set to trace, we make sure that
        # they are tracing before they run again
        if not next.frame.f_trace:
            # We might already be tracing so ...
            sys.call_tracing(next.settrace, (traceDispatch, ))


def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     f = self.tempval
     def new_f(old_f, args, kwargs):
         old_f(*args, **kwargs)
     self.tempval = new_f
     stackless.tasklet.setup(self, f, args, kwargs)

def settrace( self, tb ):
    self.frame.f_trace = tb

stackless.tasklet.__call__ = __call__
stackless.tasklet.settrace = settrace

The key actions taken by this code:

线程 — 线程与Stackless

Stackless is a lightweight threading solution. It works by scheduling its tasklets within the CPU time allocated to the real thread that Python, and therefore the scheduler running within it, is on.

It does not:

But it does allow its functionality to be used flexibly, when you want to make use of more than one thread.

1. 每线程一个调度器

The operating system thread that the Python runtime is started in and runs on, is called the main thread. The typical use of Stackless, is to run the scheduler in this thread. But there is nothing that prevents a different scheduler, and therefore a different set of tasklets, from running in every Python thread you care to start.

Note Remember that tasklets are in essence part of the thread they were created in, and there is no way to move tasklets between threads. Example - scheduler per thread:

import threading
import stackless

def secondary_thread_func():
    print "THREAD(2): Has", stackless.runcount, "tasklets in its scheduler"

def main_thread_func():
    print "THREAD(1): Waiting for death of THREAD(2)"
    while thread.is_alive():
    print "THREAD(1): Death of THREAD(2) detected"

mainThreadTasklet = stackless.tasklet(main_thread_func)()

thread = threading.Thread(target=secondary_thread_func)



THREAD(2): HasTHREAD(1): Waiting for death of THREAD(2)
 1 tasklets in its scheduler
THREAD(1): Death of THREAD(2) detected

This example demonstrates that there actually are two independent schedulers present, one in each participating Python thread. We know that the main thread has one manually created tasklet running, in addition to its main tasklet which is running the scheduler. If the secondary thread is truly independent, then when it runs it should have a tasklet count of 1 representing its own main tasklet. And this is indeed what we see.

See also:

2. 通道是线程安全的

Whether or not you are running a scheduler on multiple threads, you can still communicate with a thread that is running a scheduler using a channel object.

Example - interthread channel usage:

import threading
import stackless

commandChannel = stackless.channel()

def master_func():
    commandChannel.send("ECHO 1")
    commandChannel.send("ECHO 2")
    commandChannel.send("ECHO 3")

def slave_func():
    print "SLAVE STARTING"
    while 1:
        command = commandChannel.receive()
        print "SLAVE:", command
        if command == "QUIT":
    print "SLAVE ENDING"

def scheduler_run(tasklet_func):
    t = stackless.tasklet(tasklet_func)()
    while t.alive:

thread = threading.Thread(target=scheduler_run, args=(master_func,))




This example runs slave_func as a tasklet on the main thread, and master_func as a tasklet on a secondary thread that is manually created. The idea is that the master thread tells the slave thread what to do, with a QUIT message meaning that it should exit.

Note The reason the scheduler is repeatedly run in a loop, is because when a scheduler has no remaining tasklets scheduled within it, it will exit. As there is only one tasklet in each thread, as each channel operation in the thread blocks the calling tasklet, the scheduler will exit. Linking how long the scheduler is driven to the lifetime of all tasklets that it handles, ensures correct behaviour.

Pickling — 运行中的小任务的序列化

One of the most impressive features of Stackless, is the ability to pickle tasklets. This allows you to take a tasklet mid-execution, serialise it to a chunk of data and then unserialise that data at a later point, creating a new tasklet from it that resumes where the last left off.

What makes this particularly impressive is the fact that the Python pickle structure is platform independent. Code can for instance initially be run on a x86 Windows machine, then interrupted, pickled and sent over the network to be resumed on an ARM Linux machine.

Example - pickling a tasklet:

>>> def func():
...    busy_count = 0
...    while 1:
...        busy_count += 1
...        if busy_count % 10 == 0:
...            print busy_count
>>> stackless.tasklet(func)()
<stackless.tasklet object at 0x01BD16B0>
>>> t1 = stackless.run(100)
>>> s = pickle.dumps(t1)
>>> t1.kill()
>>> t2 = pickle.loads(s)
>>> t2.insert()
>>> stackless.run(100)

In the above example, a tasklet is created that increments the counter busy_count and outputs the value when it is a multiple of 10.

Run the tasklet for a while:

>>> t1 = stackless.run(100)

The tasklet has been interrupted at some point in its execution. If it were to be resumed, we would expect its output to be the values following those previously displayed.

Serialise the tasklet:

>>> s = pickle.dumps(t1)

As any other object is pickled, so are tasklets. In this case, the serialised representation of the tasklet is a string, stored in s.

Destroy the tasklet:

>>> t1.kill()

We want to show that the old code cannot be resumed, and in order to do so, we destroy the tasklet it was running within.

Unserialise the stored representation:

>>> t2 = pickle.loads(s)

As any other object is unpickled, so are tasklets. We take the string and by unpickling it, get a new tasklet object back.

Schedule the new tasklet:

>>> t2.insert()

Now the newly recreated tasklet is inserted into the scheduler, so that when the scheduler is next run, the tasklet is resumed.

Run the scheduler:

>>> stackless.run(100)
<stackless.tasklet object at 0x01BD1D30>

When the scheduler is run, the values displayed are indeed the ones that follow those displayed by the original tasklet. The value returned by stackless.run() is not stored in a variable this time, so the interpreter displays the recreated tasklet. You can see that it has a different address than t1, which was displayed earlier.

Note It should be possible to pickle any tasklets that you might want to. However, not all tasklets can be unpickled. One of the cases in which this is true, is where not all the functions called by the code within the tasklet are Python functions. The Stackless pickling mechanism has no ability to deal with C functions that may have been called.

StacklessPython (2010-01-24 11:31:07由125编辑)

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