
Chapter 5 - Pointers and Arrays 指针与数组

A pointer is a variable that contains the address of a variable. Pointers are much used in C, partly because they are sometimes the only way to express a computation, and partly because they usually lead to more compact and efficient code than can be obtained in other ways. Pointers and arrays are closely related; this chapter also explores this relationship and shows how to exploit it.


Pointers have been lumped with the goto statement as a marvelous way to create impossible-to-understand programs. This is certainly true when they are used carelessly, and it is easy to create pointers that point somewhere unexpected. With discipline, however, pointers can also be used to achieve clarity and simplicity. This is the aspect that we will try to illustrate.


The main change in ANSI C is to make explicit the rules about how pointers can be manipulated, in effect mandating what good programmers already practice and good compilers already enforce. In addition, the type void * (pointer to void) replaces char * as the proper type for a generic pointer.

ANSI C的一个最重要的变化是,它明确地制定了操纵指针的规则。事实上,这些规则已经被很多优秀的程序设计人员和编译器所采纳。此外,ANSI C适用类型void *(指向void的指针)代替char *作为通用指针的类型。

TCPL/5_Pointers_and_Arrays (2008-05-22 11:43:49由czk编辑)