6.1 Basics of Structures 结构的基本知识

Let us create a few structures suitable for graphics. The basic object is a point, which we will assume has an x coordinate and a y coordinate, both integers.




The two components can be placed in a structure declared like this:

   1 struct point {
   2     int x;
   3     int y;
   4 };


   1 struct point {
   2     int x;
   3     int y;
   4 };

The keyword struct introduces a structure declaration, which is a list of declarations enclosed in braces. An optional name called a structure tag may follow the word struct (as with point here). The tag names this kind of structure, and can be used subsequently as a shorthand for the part of the declaration in braces.


The variables named in a structure are called members. A structure member or tag and an ordinary (i.e., non-member) variable can have the same name without conflict, since they can always be distinguished by context. Furthermore, the same member names may occur in different structures, although as a matter of style one would normally use the same names only for closely related objects.


A struct declaration defines a type. The right brace that terminates the list of members may be followed by a list of variables, just as for any basic type. That is,

struct { ... } x, y, z;

is syntactically analogous to

int x, y, z;

in the sense that each statement declares x, y and z to be variables of the named type and causes space to be set aside for them.


struct { ... } x, y, z;


int x, y, z;


A structure declaration that is not followed by a list of variables reserves no storage; it merely describes a template or shape of a structure. If the declaration is tagged, however, the tag can be used later in definitions of instances of the structure. For example, given the declaration of point above,

struct point pt;

defines a variable pt which is a structure of type struct point. A structure can be initialized by following its definition with a list of initializers, each a constant expression, for the members:

struct point maxpt = { 320, 200 };

An automatic structure may also be initialized by assignment or by calling a function that returns a structure of the right type.


struct point pt;

定义了一个struct point类型的变员pt。结构的初始化可以在定义的后面使用初值表进行。初值表中同每个成员对应的初值必须是常量表达式,例如:

struct point maxpt = { 320, 200 };


A member of a particular structure is referred to in an expression by a construction of the form


The structure member operator "." connects the structure name and the member name. To print the coordinates of the point pt, for instance,

printf("%d,%d", pt.x, pt.y);

or to compute the distance from the origin (0,0) to pt,

double dist, sqrt(double);

dist = sqrt((double)pt.x * pt.x + (double)pt.y * pt.y);




printf("%d,%d", pt.x, pt.y);


double dist, sqrt(double);

dist = sqrt((double)pt.x * pt.x + (double)pt.y * pt.y);

Structures can be nested. One representation of a rectangle is a pair of points that denote the diagonally opposite corners:


   1 struct rect {
   2     struct point pt1;
   3     struct point pt2;
   4 };

The rect structure contains two point structures. If we declare screen as

struct rect screen;



refers to the x coordinate of the pt1 member of screen.



   1 struct rect {
   2     struct point pt1;
   3     struct point pt2;
   4 };


struct rect screen;




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