7.8.1 String Operations 字符串操作函数

We have already mentioned the string functions strlen, strcpy, strcat, and strcmp, found in <string.h>. In the following, s and t are char *'s, and c and n are ints.

strcat(s,t)     concatenate t to end of s
strncat(s,t,n)  concatenate n characters of t to end of s
strcmp(s,t)     return negative, zero, or positive for s < t, s == t, s > t
strncmp(s,t,n)  same as strcmp but only in first n characters
strcpy(s,t)     copy t to s
strncpy(s,t,n)  copy at most n characters of t to s
strlen(s)       return length of s
strchr(s,c)     return pointer to first c in s, or NULL if not present
strrchr(s,c)    return pointer to last c in s, or NULL if not present

前画已经提到过字符串函数strlen、strcpy、strcat和strcmp,它们都在头文件<string.h>中定义。在下面的各个函数中,s与t为char *类型,c与n为int类型。

strcat(s,t)     将t指向的字符串连接到s指向的字符串的末尾
strncat(s,t,n)  将t指向的字符串中前n个字符连接到s指向的字符串的末尾
strcmp(s,t)     根据s指向的字符串小于(s<t)、等于(s=t)或大于(s>t)t指向的字符串的不同情况,分别返回负整数、0或正整数
strncmp(s,t,n)  同strcmp相同,但只在前n个字符中比较
strcpy(s,t)     将t指向的字符串复制到s指向的位置
strncpy(s,t,n)  将t指向的字符串中前n个字符复制到s指向的位置
strlen(s)       返回s指向的字符串的长度
strchr(s,c)     在s指向的字符串中查找c,若找到,则返回指向它第一次出现的位置的指针,否则返回NULL
strrchr(s,c)    在s指向的字符串中查找c,若找到,则返回指向它最后一次出现的位置的指针,否则返问NULL

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