版本2和4间的区别 (跳过第2版)
于2007-07-18 21:06:45修订的的版本2
大小: 1454
编辑: czk
于2008-02-23 15:35:17修订的的版本4
大小: 1424
编辑: localhost
备注: converted to 1.6 markup
删除的内容标记成这样。 加入的内容标记成这样。
行号 2: 行号 2:
[[Navigation(slides)]] <<Navigation(slides)>>
行号 26: 行号 26:


<<Navigation: 执行失败 ['AllContext' object has no attribute 'values'] (see also the log)>>

B.2 Character Class Tests: <ctype.h>

The header <ctype.h> declares functions for testing characters. For each function, the argument list is an int, whose value must be EOF or representable as an unsigned char, and the return value is an int. The functions return non-zero (true) if the argument c satisfies the condition described, and zero if not.

isalnum(c)      isalpha(c) or isdigit(c) is true
isalpha(c)      isupper(c) or islower(c) is true
iscntrl(c)      control character
isdigit(c)      decimal digit
isgraph(c)      printing character except space
islower(c)      lower-case letter
isprint(c)      printing character including space
ispunct(c)      printing character except space or letter or digit
isspace(c)      space, formfeed, newline, carriage return, tab, vertical tab
isupper(c)      upper-case letter
isxdigit(c)     hexadecimal digit

In the seven-bit ASCII character set, the printing characters are 0x20 (' ') to 0x7E ('-'); the control characters are 0 NUL to 0x1F (US), and 0x7F (DEL).

In addition, there are two functions that convert the case of letters:

int tolower(c)  convert c to lower case
int toupper(c)  convert c to upper case

If c is an upper-case letter, tolower(c) returns the corresponding lower-case letter, toupper(c) returns the corresponding upper-case letter; otherwise it returns c.

TCPL/B.02_Character_Class_Tests:_<ctype.h> (2008-02-23 15:35:17由localhost编辑)

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