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7.8.6 Mathematical Functions 数学函数
There are more than twenty mathematical functions declared in <math.h>; here are some of the more frequently used. Each takes one or two double arguments and returns a double.
sin(x) sine of x, x in radians cos(x) cosine of x, x in radians atan2(y,x) arctangent of y/x, in radians exp(x) exponential function e^x^ log(x) natural (base e) logarithm of x (x>0) log10(x) common (base 10) logarithm of x (x>0) pow(x,y) xy sqrt(x) square root of x (x>=0) fabs(x) absolute value of x
sin(x) x的正弦函数,其中x用弧度表示 cos(x) x的余弦函数,其中x用弧度表示 atan2(y,x) y/x的反正切函数,其中,x和y用弧度表示 exp(x) 指数函数e^x^ log(x) x的自然对数(以e为底),其中,x>0 log10(x) x的常用对数(以10为底),其中,x>0函数 pow(x,y) 计算x^y^的值 sqrt(x) x的平方根(x>=0) fabs(x) x的绝对值